DrJamesFox Sep 27, 2024 10:39PM

Well this is quite the interesting ship that I never considered. Mostly because they're both so utterly research obsessed to the point of romance never crossing their minds.
But throw in some chemical fumes that enhance the mood and Ruan Mei might see Herta as an opportunity to Propagate

YuriQueen01 Sep 28, 2024 3:21AM

I'm more of a Silverwolf x Herta shipper, but I don't mind this ship either

Kwonnie Sep 28, 2024 12:35PM

Ruan Mei says in game that she's attracted to Herta.

undeadclown Sep 28, 2024 10:08PM

I feel like we’re gonna get a lot more Herta stuff once her real body shows up (which I have a feeling might be 3.0+)

DrJamesFox Sep 28, 2024 10:32PM

^Kwonnie are you talking about when Ruan Mei says something along the lines of Herta being objectively beautiful? She said it as a statement of fact, not as an admission she's attracted to her, but I can still see how that'd be good shipping fuel.

^undeadclown Oh yes I am so ready for 5* Emanator of Erudition Herta