FluffyCow Sep 16, 2024 10:50PM

As the responses on GRS's Tweet say, don't forget about Harley's Psychology degree. She's doing good for herself haha

Also always nice to see more Harlivy, they're definitely one of my favorite couples

last edited at Sep 16, 2024 10:58PM

GrimEater Sep 16, 2024 10:54PM

Don't be like that, Batman

nio_neka Sep 16, 2024 11:29PM

and what an ordinary life, Harley is living.

Yuri Yuriyuri Sep 17, 2024 2:32AM

be gay, do crime

UppersDowners Sep 17, 2024 3:34AM

Be crime, do gay

last edited at Sep 17, 2024 3:34AM

Classy-Nessi Sep 17, 2024 8:21AM

Just like what FluffyCow said, before shes Harley Quinn, Shes Dr. Harleen Quinzel, she just chooses to live a life of excitement rather than be stuck in a boring office all day. lol.

Also wheres that trademark accent!?

Kojiro481 Sep 17, 2024 8:23AM

Don't be such a tsundere Bruce, she makes your life a lot more fun and you know it :P Also, mom can't complain too much, Harley did make it out of college with a doctorate and Ivy is a real sweet girl when you get to know her (as long as you're not hurting nature) !

RiderFan Sep 17, 2024 9:27AM

Ivy is better for her than The Joker. Glad this version of Ivy looks like her Batman The Animated Series version than the Arkham version.

Hot_Soup43 Sep 17, 2024 12:19PM

Innit a bit ironic that Harley and Ivy have the most stable loving relationship in like, all of DC despite being unstable wanted criminals?

luinthoron Sep 17, 2024 12:59PM

Well, that didn't go as planned. :D

Any_ILL Sep 17, 2024 2:56PM

"Glad this version of Ivy looks like her Batman The Animated Series version than the Arkham version."

It's closer to the Harley Quinn show's version although it seems to be wearing the TAS outfit with the HQ show pants