DrJamesFox Jun 14, 2024 9:07PM

In most other pairs, Momoka would top...but ain't nobody topping that ferocious gremlin. Plus Momoka likes it when Nina's all riled up ;)

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 9:09PM

FluffyCow Jun 14, 2024 9:26PM

Momoka should probably Nina proof the room, having sex with Nina would be like getting hit by a tornado I imagine lol

Desk snapped in half, the mattress is across the room, everything is knocked off the walls, as Nina is passed out next to her on the floor Momoka wonders what just happened

Takasaki Reika Jun 14, 2024 9:33PM

Nobody can stop that little gremlin

juanelric Jun 14, 2024 9:36PM

Nina is a short top

DrJamesFox Jun 14, 2024 9:44PM

^FluffyCow lmao that's hilarious, but there ain't no way you can totally Nina proof a room...she's basically a natural disaster. Best Momoka could do is soundproof the room well enough to keep the neighbors from calling the police.

FluffyCow Jun 14, 2024 10:46PM

^lol yeah soundproofing the room is definitely required

Adawal Jun 15, 2024 8:29PM

Nina does feel like she'd be capable of railing Momoka into next week, but somehow SHE'S the one who passes out onto the floor while Momoka stares into the ceiling and wonders how that even happened

FluffyCow Jun 15, 2024 8:37PM

^Nina spent too much energy on furniture destruction, so she has to recharge after