shipping duck Jan 9, 2024 3:42AM

Its a damn shame there isnt a poly route

Gotosleepalready Jan 9, 2024 4:35AM

LOL THE INN LADY, TOO?? Elise’s pull is just too strong

carlosraruto Jan 10, 2024 8:27AM

@Gotosleepalready She needs a DLC route

GrimSmiles Jan 10, 2024 1:56PM

I was considering getting this game, it looks really cute and it has yuri

But when I found out the "Canon" route to the game she ends up with a guy she doesn't love I immediately lost interest

Omega Deuse Jan 10, 2024 7:26PM

I was considering getting this game, it looks really cute and it has yuri

But when I found out the "Canon" route to the game she ends up with a guy she doesn't love I immediately lost interest

Wait. That makes is sound like the non-canon" routes have her ending up with ladies she likes, and the canon route has her ending with a man she doesn't. If that's accurate, it's an odd choice and raises some questions about the direction they're going.

Hylarn Jan 10, 2024 9:21PM

It's a prequel. The game that takes place after the bad end has been out for eight years

FilthyFlow Jan 11, 2024 2:03AM

Also Pocket Mirror has an ending that allows you to create a timeline where the bad ending of Little Goody Two Shoes never happens in the first place.

Porrima Jan 11, 2024 6:54AM

"it's an odd choice and raises some questions about the direction they're going."

Presumably the direction is that they (both games) are horror games, of the sort where bad endings have you suffer forever.

Think of it this way, perhaps: (heavy spoilers, obviously)
There's this game, Pocket mIrror. 2016. In it, you are a girl who lives in what turns out to be a nightmare world, tormented by a demon. Why is this?
Because her mother (Elise, of LGTS fame) made a deal with a demon for fame and glory, sacrificing her true love interest to the demon (Rozenmarine, canonically) and selling the soul of her second child to the demon (which would be you, the protagonist of Pocket Mirror.)
In the canon ending, the PM protag gathers the pieces of her shattered personality, breaks out of the nightmare, and wakes up in an asylum. Her parents are dead, her brother is gone. But, she has Lebkuchen's pocket mirror, so it might protect her in the future, and there is some level of hope in the ending.

Okay. Then comes LGTS, the prequel. You play as the mother, Elise. What do you expect? The canon ending has it end up so that Pocket Mirror even happens.
Does the canon ending matter? You CAN subvert the ending, and marry your love interest (whichever one), and thus in the world you now created, Pocket Mirror never happens.

felino Jan 21, 2024 6:51PM

what a god tier game, the demo was just so good and wanted to play the whole game.

TopKoak Jul 3, 2024 1:42AM

its been confirmed that theres no true "correct" ending, the other game is just set after a bad ending not the "canon" ending