Gabrielfsn Aug 7, 2023 9:28PM

I didn't liked this show very much, so I didn't bother hearing about this. But if it were some work I loved, I would be REALLY pissed.

ImheretoDie Aug 7, 2023 9:37PM

I haven't watched this show, I don't get it?

DragonSpartan90 Aug 7, 2023 9:43PM

One of the voice actresses had a interview where they said that Sulette and Miorine were married in the finale, that section of the interview was removed in the digital copy and was noted and a Bandai executive came out and apologise...for allowing the marriage part was not suppose included and the their relationship in the end was suppose to up to the viewer's interpretation.

Heatth Aug 7, 2023 9:45PM

It has nothing to do with the show proper. Basically, Bandai have gone out of their way to muddle the waters regarding the main couple's relationship, refusing to let it be explicitly referred to as "marriage", etc. What makes different from other queerbaity cases is that the show itself wasn't actually ambiguous. They never said the word "marriage" directly, but the couple were engaged for the whole show and in the epilogue they were wearing wedding rings. The attempt making ambiguous something that very clearly was not infuriated a lot of people.

Kuma The Bear Aug 7, 2023 9:46PM

^ yet again " insane amounts of interpretation " tag
I hate my life

altoonaxc Aug 7, 2023 9:57PM

It's clearly a case where the execs never watched the show and just had someone release boilerplate text - probably the same thing they'd release if a VA called two Love Live characters married - despite everyone working on the show clearly being on the same page. It's a stunningly clear sign of how much corporate doesn't even slightly care about creatives.

shaitan Aug 7, 2023 10:17PM

Yeah we gay, keep scrolling.

juanelric Aug 7, 2023 10:58PM

Fuck Bandai, all my homies hate Bandai

And as usual, people who aren't into Yuri are accusing us of overreacting (not inside Dynastty obviously, but I've seen it happen)

Facelessman Aug 7, 2023 11:10PM

Now all new fans of G-witch has joined the time honored tradition of old gundam fans. Hating on Bandai.
Now we truly are a family.

V-Oblivion Aug 8, 2023 1:24AM

People hating Konami: First time?

Yuri Yuriyuri Aug 8, 2023 2:29AM

Good picture

FluffyCow Aug 8, 2023 3:36AM

I think regardless of if people enjoy the show or not executive meddling just sucks, and is bad for everyone. Especially when it comes to media such as this where the gay representation is very clear and matter of fact, yet corporate wants to deny the existence of gay people yet again. From what I know the same thing happened with Yuri on Ice. That's why I think everyone should come together in times like this and push back against the nonsense.

Avaz Aug 8, 2023 4:43AM

"okay, let's make this two characters obviously married"
Execs: "no, they're not, change it"
"but sir....."
Execs: "WE.SAID.NO"

carlosraruto Aug 8, 2023 6:45AM

They never said the word "marriage" directly, but the couple were engaged for the whole show and in the epilogue they were wearing wedding rings.

You forgot the pat where Eri referes to herself as Miorine's sister-in-law

FluffyCow Aug 8, 2023 7:36AM

^And I mean a whole list of things, Suletta at one point talking about dresses and rings, Mio telling Suletta's mom they're going to be family, and so on. They're married and that's that haha

luinthoron Aug 8, 2023 11:48AM


nintenplayer Aug 8, 2023 1:12PM


1kiwi.7 Aug 8, 2023 1:47PM

corporate execs try not muddling any piece of gay representation in the media they produce challenge impossible

robblu Aug 8, 2023 5:21PM

Corporations gotta corporate, DISNEY changes lines of minor gay characters to making them straight for international audiences.

juanelric Aug 8, 2023 7:41PM

@luinthoron what does the Japanese text say?

BlackPaladin Aug 8, 2023 9:26PM

The Virgin Bandai
The Chad Square Enix
Dion Lesage For Life!

luinthoron Aug 9, 2023 4:37AM

@juanelric It's originally Miorine's quote from the first episode, GJM's translation would read as "Mercury's still behind the times, huh?" (not quite literal, but it'll do). I just replaced Mercury there with the Bandai logo. :D

Kankneet Aug 9, 2023 5:42AM

Without directly mentioning the Bandai statement, the recent event tried to fix some of it. They had Mio call Suletta her partner in a romantic context and drew attention to the girls' rings both in pictures and words. The elegant phrase "Suletta and Miorine were wearing rings on their ring fingers" made an appearance. Apparently Bandai isn't trying to deny their relationship or their marriage, but is unwilling to use the M word, probably because it's a hot topic in Japanese politics right now.

This isn't to defend Bandai or soften the laudable sentiment presented in the above image, but you don't have to fear any retcons or future works going full galpal.

luinthoron Aug 9, 2023 7:03AM

^ Understandable to an extent, I guess, but still extremely silly of them when the first episode makes it perfectly clear that this is considered perfectly normal in the given setting.

elevown Aug 10, 2023 12:02PM

^^Also if there is any political or hot topic kinda reasons i still think the exec messed up even from Bandai's view- he just drew attention to it when they'd of been best keeping their mouths shut.