Vankomycin Jul 28, 2023 9:08PM

Street sign spilling the tea.

Also, girl on the left looks like she's just come out of her marksmanship qualifiers.

Zeltrech55 Jul 29, 2023 12:39AM

Is this AI art or something? Cuz something about the art is somewhat off-putting. Like its from uncanny valley

FluffyCow Jul 29, 2023 2:40AM

^I'm not picking up the same vibes, and looking at their profile at a glance they just look like a normal artist

elevown Jul 29, 2023 6:23AM

^^Maybe its all the inconsistant angles- they really bug me but I dont think Its an AI gen thing - how their bodies are walking straight toward the screen but their heads are looking off to the side, and the crosswalk is NOT lined up with their direction of travel - like they have started crossing it diagonally for some reason.

Vankomycin Jul 29, 2023 7:55AM

Neither one is looking where they're going. They gonna have a comedic moment here in a few where they trip over the curb or walk into a lamppost or something.

Also, they're both have the exact same facial angle, which may be causing the uncanny valley.

Vankomycin Jul 29, 2023 8:01AM

Also: I would imagine that the artist didn't draw the background. They just drew the characters and photoshopped the background in, which is why the angles are wrong.

MaidBlank Jul 29, 2023 7:39PM

lol the sign in the back

BakemonoJoker Aug 4, 2023 3:46PM

Ah , Yeee

BakemonoJoker Aug 4, 2023 3:46PM