May 1, 2023
Author: Nadaka Harutsugu Doujin: The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Series: The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Pairing: Anis x Euphie Scanlator: Mashima Pairing: Illia x Laine Comedy Comic Yuri Official

YuriMolodivili19 May 1, 2023 10:34PM
Poor Tilty... FeelsbadMan
TopKoak May 2, 2023 12:42AM
wait this is the official mangaka for the manga adaptation lmao
GrimEater May 2, 2023 1:48AM
Lol 5th wheel
Star Light May 2, 2023 1:51AM
Titty needs love too... and don't you dare to correct my typo!
herenowforever May 2, 2023 2:43AM
No tangerines for Tilty, just double heaping of dog food.
luinthoron May 2, 2023 7:47AM
Hard to be the only one without a girl of your own...
TctyaDDK May 2, 2023 12:23PM
. Just like the previous 4koma where Ilia adds some BDSM spice to their blood sucking session.elevown May 2, 2023 5:19PM
Poor Tilty - better luck in book 5, girl!
livingice May 2, 2023 8:13PM
Rip Tilty, surrounded by gay disasters
elevown May 3, 2023 3:33AM
^Not sure what constitutes disasters but they are couples and do the normal couply stuff lol even if it took a while for Anis and Euphie.
TctyaDDK May 3, 2023 7:57AM
@herenowforever: it's refreshing to see terminologies from Chinese netspace showing up around here :))
ckretaznmayden May 4, 2023 12:28AM
Truly, they need to introduce a new girl just for Tilty to love.
Takasaki Reika May 4, 2023 10:38AM
Give my girl a new playmate
almighty May 4, 2023 4:06PM
god bless official tag
IcePony May 5, 2023 1:22AM
Tilty's girrlfriend when?
heimdall May 20, 2023 11:19PM
Took a while? They literally got together in a matter of months from first meeting.