NARESH4444 Apr 14, 2023 10:39PM

I see that Ecology needs a favour from Defence.

Probably to paint her like one them French girls.

Now for the wyvern to pick up the elf like a princess and destroy another corrupt science institute.

Hylarn Apr 14, 2023 11:10PM

What's this a parody of?

FluffyCow Apr 14, 2023 11:43PM

^The Artist's Photo Reference Tweet.

This art feels like a combination of flirting and sexual harassment, Saria hurry up and just kiss the elf already!

Yuri Yuriyuri Apr 15, 2023 12:19AM

Meulsyse used extremely aggressive flirting! It's not very effective...

VYKNIGHT Apr 15, 2023 5:19AM

I'd love to kick mumu off that table

PineconeJuice Apr 15, 2023 5:51AM

Are we already celebrating the (alleged) Rhine Lab 4th anniversary event

FluffyCow Apr 15, 2023 1:36PM

^This art to the best of my knowledge was made before any of the info/rumors about the 4th anniversary came out, maybe in part due to the Rhine manga getting officially translated, and Dorthy's Vision being somewhat recent. That said though, I think celebrating is in order as well haha

Lvia Apr 15, 2023 1:55PM

^^^^seducing doesn't work with saria, she only likes hard to get women

NARESH4444 Apr 15, 2023 8:57PM

"Somewhat recent",it was three events ago,the current being a rerun and the two prior to the current being story focussed.

Albeit,Dorothys' Vision per CN timeline actually occurred before Ideal City.

But it is a great way to enjoy the dynamic they had when solving the mystery behind Ifrit.

FluffyCow Apr 15, 2023 9:58PM

^Yes I know of the more recent events, but Dorthy's Vision being March 14th until March 28th is still somewhat recent to me at least. Plus the manga was steadily releasing for Global even past then. So I think it makes sense for Rhine Lab and the characters to still being people's minds, I know they are for me least lol

PineconeJuice Apr 15, 2023 11:20PM

I won't mind more focus on Rhine Lab. But I won't lie as long as we won't get ANOTHER seaborn anniversary event I'll be fine with anything.
Still, the manga pushed forward a few fun ships. With Olivia and Joyce being very close, especially Ptilopsis acting cute as heck. Saria being a potential harem protagonist didn't hurt. So from that perspective, I won't mind if we flesh some things out.

NARESH4444 Apr 17, 2023 4:22AM

What I meant was that it wasn't "somewhat recent",but actually recent.

As for Rhine Labs,they've actually covered pretty much everything they hinted at when the game first came out,both in the game itself through extra trust locked lore for each character and the comic itself.

We now know how Ptilopsis became the under table machine speaker,how Silence became the hindsight naive Mommy #1,how Saria became bumbling Mommy #2 "Daddy",how the entire Diabolos scenario went down for Ifrit,how oblivious Magellan and Mayer were to literally everything,how Muelsye got her cheeky elf butt all around,and how Kristen lost a significant portion of her life again but due to her own actions.

We also know that Rhine Labs is a horrendous place to be,with the likes of Parviss being the LEAST of anyones' troubles.

Meanwhile,we have yet to get a proper resolution for AEgir itself,Ulpianus,Andreanna,and most importantly Deepcolour.

Black Steel,if we take the comic along with the extra trust locked lore,has basically been covered,Karlan Trade got done and dusted in a single event,the adventures of the Nearl line have one more step to go,Lungmen keeps getting more fun stuff but is pretty much complete,Penguin Logistics still has loose ends that extend into Laterano and Sirucusa,Leithania is one step close to completion,Ursus Student Self-governing Group got one PTSD filled event to cover it all,Yan was barely touched,Minos had one footnote,Bolivar has an entire three way war to explore,Sami is practically just mentions,Higashi even less mentions,Rim Billiton has just sat there,and even Columbia itself hasn't been explored.

So we definitely got a ways to go.

FluffyCow Apr 17, 2023 6:33PM

^Ah well, recent, somewhat recent, tomayto, tomahto. Same thing ultimately haha

PineconeJuice Apr 17, 2023 8:47PM

^For some reason that reminded me of Kay's cooking...