Midnightgunner Mar 28, 2023 12:26AM

The Everafter itself had enough of their bullshit and canonized them. 10 years... A whole decade. Worth the wait. That was done perfectly.

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 12:30AM

GrimEater Mar 28, 2023 12:45AM

10 years of being strung along? No thanks.

Zen-Pai Mar 28, 2023 12:46AM

Yes, we won, and I'll take it.

Alice Nightrose Mar 28, 2023 2:03AM

The wait is finally over <3

BoltonLoL Mar 28, 2023 2:12AM

There's a garden, where I go

Ferhog Mar 28, 2023 6:19AM

A lot of people don't like how long they teased this and dragged it out but personally I actually really liked getting a big romantic payoff after a buildup that lasted the better part of a decade. I started shipping this in Volume 2 back when gay representation was non-existent and I didn't know whether or not it was actually going to happen, and I spent probably too much time arguing with people about whether or not it was. This event made me feel 15 years old again and I'll probably never experience that unique flavour of shipping validation again.

It's not something I'd like to see in absolutely everything but I'm honestly now wanting to see more examples of decade-long slowburn.

Reirin Mar 28, 2023 8:47AM

So any ideas who Ruby end up with?

PineconeJuice Mar 28, 2023 8:51AM

^Considering the way things are going (And that her sister doesn't care about her anymore cause fanservice is more important kek) I'd say she ends up with depression

DY4Y Mar 28, 2023 9:06AM

Penny's gonna come back again and kiss Ruby then die again

Shawn Mar 28, 2023 10:02AM

Wonderful hopefully white rose will be next to be canon.

yuri n wine Mar 28, 2023 10:13AM

blake really pulled an edward, “say it…. out loud”

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 10:13AM

Kurookami Mar 28, 2023 10:28AM

Wait, wait! It got canon? I dropped the series at season 4, how much did I miss?

lenne18 Mar 28, 2023 10:32AM

I don't even watch RWBY or ship these two but that confession was PERFECT!

ShortHairedCrow Mar 28, 2023 11:10AM

"Good romance is earned" - Monty Oum
That scene was done perfectly. People calling it fanservice and otherwise hate it can suck it<3 What's even funnier is that Arryn and Barbara both confirmed this was planned since day 1 and had to keep it a secret for 10 years.
@PineconeJuice Jesus christ, how delusional do you have to be to come to that conclusion? Yang and Ruby care about each other, that doesn't mean Yang can't finally have time for anyone else. She literally risked her own life for Ruby on several occasions and raised her when their dad shut down from losing Summer. Like she's not allowed to love someone else and must be Ruby's babysitter 24/7 lol. What a shitty take.

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 11:20AM

Midnightgunner Mar 28, 2023 1:38PM

^ I know, right? Yang literally was tossed all the way deep down the Mines of Moria to sit on uncle Balrog's lap to protect Ruby from Neo... She also comforted Ruby after they found out about what might really have happened to their mother... Saying she doesn't care about her sister is just plain ignorance.

@Kurookami Man, you lost A LOT. You basically stopped in the worst season of the show. Season 5 is still a bad, but is better than 4. Season 6 foward is when the show starts getting really good again. And I don't mean shipping, I mean plot, animation, the fights and in general. There are some slips here and there, but show me a show that is perfect.

last edited at Mar 28, 2023 1:39PM

Mugino Mar 28, 2023 2:31PM

All we do is win win win

livingice Mar 28, 2023 5:58PM

It's been 84 years....

PineconeJuice Mar 28, 2023 6:34PM

@ShortHairedCrow Calm down there, nobody will take your cartoon away from you. No need to bring Jesus into this. I mean with how things are going for RT they probably will take it down before it can conclude, but that won't happen because I have an opinion on a pair in that cartoon.

cameron Mar 28, 2023 9:42PM

Roosterteeth technically has very little to do with RWBY anymore. Warner Bros owns Roosterteeth now and by extension they will and already are doing what they want with RWBY (they have a DC crossover movie coming out). Roosterteeth can suck a bag of dicks but Bumbleby will always have my heart.
beeaggro Mar 28, 2023 10:44PM

Yeah the angry is weird. People are happy. RWBY was never a well-written show, who cares. The bees are here

Drago928 Mar 30, 2023 12:20AM

Surprised that this section isn't that cancerous. Even more surprised that people are talking negatively about this show here

Zetta Mar 30, 2023 2:08AM

Cannot understand why people must argue for anything, why not just appreciate the art and be happy for the fans who are happy too? 10 years of slowburn but it was the best development of a couple ive seen in my entire life, they had to grown and know themselfs first, before anything could happen, it was the right place AND right time, they deserve it.

Like monty one day said "a good romance need to be earned".

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 2:08AM

Missigno Mar 31, 2023 8:25AM

As someone who has also stopped during season 4 all I can say is:


macfluffers Mar 31, 2023 6:18PM


Angry_Aguri Apr 1, 2023 6:34PM

I remember when this show was good....back in Vol 4 lol

dieutam Apr 2, 2023 9:50AM

@GrimEater with wholesome confession and real kiss ( not friendship soulmate bullshit or whatever you want to call except love), i think its worth.

last edited at Apr 2, 2023 9:51AM

Star Light Apr 10, 2023 8:01AM

I drop series a long time ago, I thought it suck after yang lost her arm and shota shit. Didn't think the show makes their way this far. Still, happy to learn that yangxblake is canon now. Maybe I will start to watch again. Just don't know which season should I start from.