V-Oblivion Jan 30, 2023 11:37PM

Soft babus

FluffyCow Jan 31, 2023 12:32AM

Sleepy cuties <3

Yuri Yuriyuri Jan 31, 2023 9:58AM


NARESH4444 Jan 31, 2023 8:53PM

Just a bunny and a kitty in bed,probably in a basket as well.

Don't mind the black crown and floating pillers,they're just guaring the perimeter.

Yuri Yuriyuri Feb 1, 2023 10:19PM

Also the contrast between this adorable picture and the last thing from this author on this site is wild lol.

NARESH4444 Feb 5, 2023 5:31PM

Speaking of artist whiplash,FluffyCows' overly dramatic warning about Kataokasan is hilarious,because anyone who has been around long time AK players has found out that Kataokasans' works were among the earliest for AKs' global release,with Exuisai abuse becoming a meme,regardless it it was the large story,the one about a giant Originium slug,the Lappland one,any other one(some people have dug very deep just to find more Kataokasan works),and the small Originium slug one.

The important thing to note,aside from the far worse comic about post-mortem inspections of Ch'en and Eyjafjalla,is that Kataokasan was harrased by West Taiwanese players to the point that him and his family receieved death threats,no matter how much you dislike an artist for their work,attacking them and especially doxing them are massive no nos.

Kataokasan has since managed to come back against the bullying,which only fuelled to make him more infamous,which has caused even more people to read his works,meaning those who attacked him failed very much,a silver lining in this horrid story.

Now if only people would stop trying to upload Suffering egg laying works in the server I moderate...

Mayjaplaya Feb 5, 2023 7:10PM

Small correction but unless they're lying in their pixiv profile kataokasan's a girl.

NARESH4444 Feb 6, 2023 8:22PM

I believe some people in the past said it was "he" but that no gender was assigned to the old pixiv account,the one that has long since been deleted.