AkiraH Oct 2, 2014 1:08AM

Oh god ever since I watched the 3rd Anniversary concert my head is full of KotoUmi

Rye Oct 2, 2014 3:05AM

I always found hard to ship the 2nd year trio because the look inseparable...until I came across Tsubasa x Honoka and closed the pairing circle.

lineonthecanvas Oct 3, 2014 7:10PM


ColonalCat Oct 4, 2014 1:16AM

That's part of why TsubaHono is so awesome. It closes out all the ships so that we don't have Honoka the Third Wheel.
onyxpanda Oct 5, 2014 1:08AM

Hahahaha. "Honoka the Third Wheel"

Nezchan Oct 5, 2014 11:23AM

Ah, the newlywed gag. Always good for some cute embarrassment.

rexbandit Oct 5, 2014 8:26PM

Yup. I fully support Tsubasa x Honoka since it balances all the ships up. Since, y'know...Tsubasa is also the third wheel in A-Rise. :3 The third wheel ship!

TapiocaYo Oct 5, 2014 8:36PM

Now every time I see TsubaHono, I'm gonna say "Oh hey it's The Third Wheel Ship" The Third Wheel Ship is great =w= It's my OTP yo xD

rexbandit Oct 5, 2014 10:25PM

In case anyone doesn't think TsubaHono is a legitimate thing, someone did a screen by screen analysis of TsubaHono moments in Love Live! 2. :3 ->

ari-chan Oct 10, 2014 5:58PM

Idc for the whole TsubaHono ship really, I dont hate it but I supose theirs nothing wrong with it. I could do a 12 page analysis of how all the girls are just straight but that wouldn't change how flaming gay they all are.

JasonLovelive Jul 1, 2018 12:27AM

Hey You Know Who I ship, Honomaki And HonoNico But I held nothing against NicoMaki