FluffyCow Dec 16, 2022 10:07PM

Post-Apocalyptic Snuggles.

BlueDsc Dec 16, 2022 11:16PM

I both love and hate this series so much.

daydream_dog94 Dec 17, 2022 12:14AM

^bro same.. like.. why you gotta go making me question morality and shit, damn... i just came here to watch some cute girl anime ToT i was just thinking about how post apocalyptical snuggles are the loneliest snuggles because humanity has been wiped out..and now i wanna cry ToT

last edited at Dec 17, 2022 12:22AM

luinthoron Dec 17, 2022 6:16AM

Adorable. ^_^

Random Wanderer Dec 18, 2022 5:59AM

Oh right, this series. Was not a fan of the ending.

FluffyCow Dec 18, 2022 3:12PM

^My thoughts on the Girls' Last Tour ending, and also talking about Shimeji Simulation, so spoilers for both series. With Girls' Last Tour I liked that the anime ended on a "their adventure continues note", and with the manga the ending it's a sad conclusion to their journey but at least vague in that "they want to sleep, maybe they wake up, maybe they don't" kind of way. So if they actually die or not is up to the viewer imagination, which I don't like a sad ending for these girls myself but at least it gives a sliver of hope with their survival so I don't completely hate it either. At least as far as I remember these endings anyhow, it's been awhile admittedly so I apologize if I'm remembering anything wrong. As far as I remember though I found it interesting how the anime and manga ends contrast. As for Shimeji Simulation I'm behind on the series and want to catch up soon, but I found it interesting that these girls show up as I think neighbors if I remember right in what I've read. So in theory they're fine, or some timeline with them or whatever. I find Tsukumizu's series interesting in general, sometimes a bit too depressing for me though. Also entirely fair of course that people don't like the ending for this series, I just figured I'd share my thoughts on it.

Mr. Jones Dec 18, 2022 6:42PM

The ending of Girls' Last Tour is good, even though it's very heavy. It's essentially the conclusion that's been stalking us for the entire length of the manga, and we finally have to stare it in the face it as the characters do. There was never any saving Yuuri and Chito, or the world they lived in - we just hoped otherwise for a while. But that's okay, because they made something of their lives anyway - made themselves the happiest people in the world.

BlueDsc Dec 19, 2022 12:06AM

^Yep, it's one of those endings that absolutely destroyed me, but there wasn't any other way for the manga to go. We got to see it time and time again with the other characters they met along the way. It's an ending that I love because it's a good logical ending for the series, but I hate it because it just destroys me. Given the context of the rest of the manga, a happy ending would have felt cheap and out of place.