Vusuko Aug 24, 2021 4:00AM

Man, I hope Kuroko will be able to get herself a nice girlfriend at the end of the series at the very least. Although something tells me it would be a lukewarm ending if anything haha

Celine3105 Aug 24, 2021 11:50AM

Aaah, I miss Kuroko. I hope the studio make an anime where Kuroko is more focused on

EmergentLurker Aug 25, 2021 4:24AM

^The problem with that is that Railgun has to follow Index's lead due to how the series was made and most of the plots in Index would break if a teleporting detective cop gets involved at any point.

Reirin Aug 25, 2021 6:47AM

So true, would love to see more Kuroko following and help Mikoto when she need teleportation and investigation, sigh.

^Say where are we on Index, is the manga ending?

EmergentLurker Aug 25, 2021 9:29AM

^ I was more referring to the fact that law enforcement would alert the British authorities & Interpol that the English & Catholic churches were kidnapping and experimenting on minors. I don't see many of the plots conflicts occurring when Academy city's biggest export is removed & the Vatican is under investigation for child endangerment (wow that's weirdly topical). Surprised anyone sends their kids there at all given the city's crime & death rate.

Don't know about how far along the manga is, I didn't care enough. As far as I can tell the light novel isn't going to end despite having apparently dealt with the initial primary conflicts at this point. Guess they're just gonna keep going till it runs out of steam.

luinthoron Aug 25, 2021 11:04AM

I was more referring to the fact that law enforcement would alert the British authorities & Interpol that the English & Catholic churches were kidnapping and experimenting on minors.

I can only assume you haven't actually seen Index III.

EmergentLurker Aug 25, 2021 5:23PM

^ That I have not. I always intend to get back into the show at some point but get worried my nostalgia googles will end up irritating me.

Also I hate cliffhangers and the show's a good several volumes behind.