FluffyCow Jul 2, 2021 8:05PM

Marisa is an entire buffet here.

lord-of-roses Jul 4, 2021 2:42AM

While witches are commonly solitary beings, it is not uncommon for them to join forces in order to take down and share an otherwise difficult prey, in this case, another witch, of the black-white variety.
As opposed to the methodical precision of the hunt, the feast itself is no less messy than any other predatory carnage.
If you pay attention you can hear, between slurping and licking sounds, the downed witch's gasping in agony. Wait, that wasn't agony.

Maguri Jul 12, 2021 9:16AM

A common manoeuvre of a witch is to specialise in the convenient method of gunning down their prey to ready them for their ravenous feasting. Usually, but not limited to carefully assigning straps to the wrists and ankles, and some reports even elucidate for the prey's vision to be disabled by the witch by means of a blindfold, further engaging in precise and errorless movements towards their prey.
When two witches contribute to vanquishing their prey, the results are rumoured to be ponderously unique, contemplating not only distinctive visuals, but also a fierce mode of combat between a yielding witch and two other much more ascendant witches.
That is, if it is truly combat.