Serenata Mar 26, 2021 9:53PM

Easily in my top 5 yuri works so far, specially the ending... it was great

Mk16 Mar 26, 2021 9:57PM

god I miss them every day

FluffyCow Mar 26, 2021 10:10PM

Always happy to see these two again.

shadesan Mar 26, 2021 10:10PM

Lol, just got vol 3 in the mail today...

Shuryo_CN Mar 27, 2021 1:12AM

I mistook this for Bloom into you for a second. Man, I miss Still sick.

SushiKnight Mar 27, 2021 1:20AM

Definitely one of the best yuri manga out there, for plenty of reasons. Like how they're adults that behave like adults and not like children. Also it didn't go on forever. When the story was done the manga was done. Something that's far more uncommon than it should be, but I guess financial reasons tend to dictate the length of commercially published manga, not creative ones.

Linterdiction Mar 27, 2021 1:34AM

I love them. Hope they are happy.

ClaudeSP89 Mar 27, 2021 1:52AM

Miss them so much.

luinthoron Mar 27, 2021 6:31AM

Very nice. ^_^

Haruu Mar 27, 2021 1:32PM

Oh my goodness

FluffyCow Mar 27, 2021 2:37PM

@SushiKnight Well even several Jump/Shonen manga in recent times seem to be ending when the author is ready, instead of going on past when they should, like how Bleach did. Though as you said, financial reasons sometimes get in the way of things ending, I believe I've heard sometimes on the end of even the editor/company backing it wanting it to keep going. I think also making an ending for a story can be hard, so sometimes people just keep going because they don't know how to stop haha. Honestly it's a global thing as well, like how we have American TV shows and Movie sequels that go on longer than they maybe should. Anyhow, I'm also happy where this series ended, so I fully agree there.

last edited at Mar 27, 2021 2:38PM

[deleted] Mar 27, 2021 5:42PM

Still loving them

Mimiyaah Mar 28, 2021 6:20AM

The cuties :D