GrimEater Dec 14, 2020 8:19PM


Kirin Dec 14, 2020 11:50PM

It's nice that the Hourai Elixir allows you to get drunk. Dealing with the crushing weight of eternity without being able to knock a few pegs back and pass out would be unbearable.

Karsten69 Dec 15, 2020 12:22AM

sadly it doesn't do that @Kirin Alcohol is a poison and the Elixir gives immunity to poison.

Norainhere Dec 15, 2020 12:26AM

^Does it actually give immunity, or does it just let them come back to life after dying from the poison? I'm pretty sure Mokou and/or Kaguya cameo at some of the Hakurei Shrine drinking parties in one of the official manga, though I could be mixing that up with a doujin.

Kirin Dec 15, 2020 12:36AM

^^ Oh. I figured that the effects only kick in after you've done a certain level of damage to your body, so if you have been poisoned, the Elixir only revives you once the agent has spread sufficiently through your bloodstream/organs, in which case, it'd be possible to get drunk to a nonlethal degree. Afaik, it doesn't afford instant immunity, just resurrection after mortal injuries and improved healing. Then again, there's also no textual evidence- the Lunarians keep sake around and the Immortals seem to drink like everyone else, but we rarely see anyone in the series getting thoroughly sozzled (Lotus-Eaters aside), so there's no perfect way to tell.

last edited at Dec 15, 2020 12:36AM

OrangePekoe Dec 15, 2020 2:00AM

This still works even if they're immune, it just makes Kaguya an extra sneaky person.