Norainhere Nov 30, 2020 9:14PM

I kinda wish the scars were canon...

ArcaJ Nov 30, 2020 9:24PM

^They are. They just don't show them on the game models, because Anime Logic.

Hehehe! It looks like Edelgard is trying (and failing) to push Byleth down. Poor girl.

Kirin Nov 30, 2020 10:55PM

^^ We need more badass scars in general.

FluffyCow Nov 30, 2020 11:15PM

I don't think it's "because Anime logic", it's more that no scars likely markets better with a wider general audience, and takes less work. Personally? I love scars and definitely want more.

Kirin Nov 30, 2020 11:23PM

^ Hilariously, I think I've seen more people with missing arms, legs and eyes in anime than folks with scars. Apparently, it doesn't matter how much of you is missing, as long as whatever's left is sexy (which is incidentally also the appeal of the guro fetish).

FluffyCow Nov 30, 2020 11:57PM

^As far as my memory serves that sounds about right. I think it's the idea of the skin being "permanently marked", that makes it supposedly tainted according to beauty standards in many countries. Though I'm not sure if missing limbs/eyes markets that well with a general audience either.

Also I mean when it comes to Scars, I'll always stand by that Balalaika in Black Lagoon is hot as hell.

Omega Deuse Dec 1, 2020 12:13AM

Also I mean when it comes to Scars, I'll always stand by that Balalaika in Black Lagoon is hot as hell.

True, but a lot of that is her swagger and not many characters can carry brass balls of that much mass.

Azero25 Dec 1, 2020 12:30AM

hmm so thats what Ashen wolf Byleth looks like

FluffyCow Dec 1, 2020 12:04PM

@Omega Deuse That as well yeah. I think she's hot visually, scars and all, and as you mentioned she's got charisma and a kickass personality that nobody dares mess with.