Givemeanaccount Jun 1, 2020 10:37PM

Now this is a nice picture and all, but with how Massachusetts' outfit is designed and the cloth only covering the side of her breast, her right nipple should be exposed

last edited at Jun 1, 2020 10:54PM

Kobold Jun 1, 2020 11:11PM

Nipple slips run in the family, I guess.

Chungus Jun 1, 2020 11:12PM

One night in Casablanca 1942 the USS Massachusetts.... FUKING BLOWS THE JEAN BART.... up ....true story

last edited at Jun 1, 2020 11:13PM

SaturnX Jun 2, 2020 12:07AM

She's gonna spill her drink nooo also am I blind or is her leg missing

Omega Deuse Jun 2, 2020 1:43AM

She's gonna spill her drink nooo also am I blind or is her leg missing

It's pretty easy to miss, and I don't think her balance is quite right, but you can see her knee Massachusetts'(?) back.

SaturnX Jun 2, 2020 2:29AM

^ Holy shit that is one long ass leg

pumpkinmonster Jun 2, 2020 2:46AM


Rye Jun 2, 2020 9:05AM

Now this is a nice picture and all, but with how Massachusetts' outfit is designed and the cloth only covering the side of her breast, her right nipple should be exposed

Ecchi logic. Don't think about it. Its like that in-game too.

Mimiyaah Jun 2, 2020 2:03PM

Invisible Nipple

Nene Jun 4, 2020 3:54AM

They look amaaaaaazing in those party dresses!