Sharkexpert12 Jul 2, 2019 11:07PM

Because no has pointed it out already, isnt Cirno like a foot tall or something? And isn't Aya kinda tall for the touhou universe

BugDevil Jul 3, 2019 3:16AM

^(8) can change her size at will.

lord-of-roses Jul 4, 2019 12:03AM

When it comes to fairies, "about a child's height" is what I picture for them. Of course, that's far from an exact number, but I'd say that works for most Touhou caracterizations. As for Aya, I guess the average height for tengu is much greater than that of humans, yes.

Either way, I'd say this gap is cute enough as it is.

bitfarb Jul 4, 2019 12:58PM

They're about child height in the official fairy manga, so she's only a bit too large here.

last edited at Jul 4, 2019 12:58PM