Victim Jan 26, 2019 11:01PM

this is hard to convey, but I really like these animal "rival/enemy" shippings, you know, like the classic dog x cat, wolf x rabbit, and this image right here, octopus x squid. kinda like kemono friends. I gotta say though i'm sad to see there is so few material of the ultimate rivalry in the animal kingdom, human x human

Norainhere Jan 26, 2019 11:05PM

They are supposed to be Agent 3 and 8, according to the artist commentary.

I started drawing 83

"83" being Agent 3 x Agent 8.

last edited at Jan 27, 2019 12:55AM

Swag Wagon Jan 27, 2019 2:56AM

You can tell it's agent 3 from her armour. The headphones and the safety vest were from Splatoon 1.

Also, in game Agent 8 is the same Octoling from the eromame doujins. Change my mind.

last edited at Jan 27, 2019 3:01AM

Swag Wagon Jan 27, 2019 9:15PM

^ I'm saying that Octoling is the same one from the doujin. I'm chalking up the tan and the haircut up to the events that led into her convenient amnesia at the start of the Octo Expansion :P

LoveHeart Jan 31, 2019 10:42AM

We need moree 3 x 8 is great <3