Forum › Her and Her Dolls discussion

joined Oct 15, 2013

Seen another Touhou doujin do the same thing with Shanghai... Can't remember the title :S
Anyways, fun read :)

joined Nov 2, 2013


joined Feb 8, 2014

Seen another Touhou doujin do the same thing with Shanghai... Can't remember the title :S
Anyways, fun read :)

That title has to be Magnet Girl which Alice and Shangai switched their bodies.

Yay a new mariali came \0/ that was good but it must continue :3

joined Oct 15, 2013

Seen another Touhou doujin do the same thing with Shanghai... Can't remember the title :S
Anyways, fun read :)

That title has to be Magnet Girl which Alice and Shangai switched their bodies.

Yay a new mariali came \0/ that was good but it must continue :3

Ah yes, thanks :)

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