You're drunk, Hakurei. Go strip Marisa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tima + Age gap = Insta Click Long hair is absolutely overrated, SHORT HAIR IS JUSTICE!
Age gap
Notice me, Senpai intensifies
Oh, come on! How can you not ХОРОШО at this blissful view ?! Poochika disappoints.
last edited at Jun 9, 2016 8:35AM
That was adorable! Happy Birthday, Nozomi <3
Oh god that was great. Reminds me of bombergrape
Exactly my thoughts! Bomber grape is god of humor tho. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH!
There should be more to this .... and I like the idea of the possessive, sadistic "friend". Exactly as Miharu mentioned "a wolf in a lamb's skin".
I love it! Fuyo kinda reminds me of Fuko from Clannad.
I'm still trying to figure out what happened after page 12 ... and it bothers me, cause it's been 20 minutes now and I keep staring at the screen >_>
Story is actually getting good, but this Yoshino-san is just .. UGH .. pisses me off.
That's one pickup line i won't be using anytime soon
That pick up line killed me. Insta wet 10/10
Thanks for the good laugh! And she's 12, it's fine.
that tag ... THAT LAST TAG DAMMIT!
The kouhai was so smooth~ -w-
But the senpai was pathetic af. Reminds me of myself ... I love it!
Absolutely SHAMELESS!
PS: Oh and Happy belated Bday, Umi-chan!
last edited at Mar 15, 2016 9:20PM
Kindred Spirits and Itou Hachi?! Now I want to play it even more ... not until my birthday comes tho T_T
♪ ♫ Anemone heart, my lonely heart The tears of a flower blooming alone Gaze at me more, I'm right here Anemone heart; Affection runs throughout my body Someday, our loving heartbeats will meet ♪ ♫
Dariokart Bandicoot dingo
Mmm... classics, right there!
Ahh, Minna x Mio ship is precious! I miss Strike Witches ;_;
Don't stop there!
♫ Laaa la la la la laa la laa laa laa laa, yume no meiro yuri no meiro ♫
That hair tuck behind the ear tho. A simple gesture, yet works like magic! She definitely wants the booty :v
Just what I need before bed! Sweet, sweet, MeiSaku ~
Devil wincest I'd say.
It doesn't have to be teacher/student. I want more college setting in general xD more mature characters/ More 20-30yo ones.
YES, YES, YES! We need more adult yuri for sure!