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joined Jul 11, 2017

Supermodel rhymes well with fire

Lol! Only in your book Nora XDDDDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

it doesn't rhyme well XD #Pantatnting

Lol roll eyes "the supermodel" is the most not rhyming of them all!

Lol going by hair color, only sungji qualifies to be a Targaryan!

Haha gosh now fairy tail is also in the picture XDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

the Sung of Ju and supermodel :P

Lolll OK I like this one better. Sung XDDDDD
Ah what about the Sung of Ji instead Lol # biased

last edited at Aug 4, 2017 8:19PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Sumin kills Seju and Sungji and takes the throne of 30 women (or was it 31?) :P

I like the allegory XDDD. A song of fire and ice yellow and pink.

Lol Nora you're such a car geek X.X

last edited at Aug 4, 2017 7:51PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Arya. After he tried to turn her and sansa against each other..alert alert.. From the leak. XD

Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh =.=

joined Jul 11, 2017

God dammit, I see raven's eyes in a bowl of milk image :(

LOL things that have been seen cannot be unseen XDDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

Jaime > by some lame Stark

I prefer for Jaime to be killed by Brienne of Tarth

Bran > Kellogg's (they have all of him I guess)

LOLLLL. I love this! Kellogg's should come up with a new logo - a three-eyed raven XD

joined Jul 11, 2017

it will be nice if Nymeria be the one to kill him

Lol you have a dream assassin for everyone huhhhhh

joined Jul 11, 2017

have you perhaps heard about the story I made about boobylicious and her Assassin-ssi requested by Lurking

lol I have not! Was it a best seller?

joined Jul 11, 2017

no, this is going to be our legendary WDTCSS thread XD

LOLOL. I shall be looking forward to that XD

last edited at Aug 2, 2017 12:00PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Hahhaha.. how didn't I obsess over GOT the way I did with WDTFS..

Are you going to turn this into GOT forum when wdtfs end? XDDDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017


Lol you're right. His smaller surface area to volume ratio will increase his survival chance XDDDD but they need to make him a special harness to ride the dragon XDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

Not until he rides the dragon and burns away King's Landing. XD.

Hahaha his legs might be a tad short for dragon riding...he's going to fall off! XDDDD

PS. Have you heard that HBO was hacked last night, and a version of season 7 script is floating around somewhere? Not that I want to read it, buttt it is out there!!! :O)

Omg! is that how you knew about the fate of Peter? I shall blindfold myself through the internet to avoid seeing it!! XDDD

Deleting account? 02 Aug 01:43
joined Jul 11, 2017

jpeg brought me here lol

So Foxy lady you are staying then?

joined Jul 11, 2017

Doesn't everyone die eventually on that show ;)

Never Tyrion! XDDDD

last edited at Aug 1, 2017 5:11AM

joined Jul 11, 2017


I was nitpicking because the use of the word "delusional". Delusional individuals actually believe their imagination, and maybe driven to prove it. At which point, their thinking and want are synonymous. You were describing an internal conflict...more like denial or stubbornness. They are very different. Denial individuals are self-conscious and are likely to self-correct overtime, but can't say the same to delusionals.

lol I realized the danger of using the word "delusional" and I decided to risk it but I phrased it as ":bordering on the delusional" perhaps that was still a poor choice of words XD

He is my fav! And OMG, the last episode....

LOL he is also my favourite! So full of wit and I love his sense of humor. The last episode was the best out of the 3 in this season for me XD

Ehh, to me, it is not. I can't read mind... how can I tell if he is not thinking what he wants....

Haha sorry if I didn't make it clear. I meant it as an internal rationalization...(in someone's head), separate from whether the person eventually shares the rationalization with another person or not.

joined Jul 11, 2017

Anytime. This is a nice distraction for when I am procrastinating doing something else XDDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017


So without providing evidence to back up ones assertion it is just "what you want to happen" rather than "what you think will happen"?

Yes, to me it is

last edited at Aug 1, 2017 12:01AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Firstly, one can think and rationalize regardless of how the story will unfold..(just like how we can always strive to achieve something and whether we succeed in the endeavour or not is a different story). Anyway the point of discussing the story here, to me at least, is not so much to "predict" the ending (this will be boring because I like to be surprised) as it is to see how people perceive it. To me, the different perceptions add depth to the story regardless of whether or not I think the same way (in fact, I find it most intriguing when it's something different from what I think)

but without the ending though can we truly say who is purely going by "what they want to happen" and "what they think is happening". Like can we really make that judgement?

Yes we can. What we think is happening can be rationalized but what we want to happen is a matter of preference and often there is no logic to this.

On a separate note, there is a big difference between (1) rationalizing from existing evidence (without knowing how the story will unfold) to come up with a possible conclusion and (2) knowing the ending and then use the foresight to backtrack and see the things you did not see in the story before..

At the risk of raining judgement down on myself i am unsure of whom the original comment was aimed at.

Nobody. This is what I meant by getting involved without getting involved XDDDD

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 11:36PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

I am guilty of trying to shove my ideas into others head.. But I want you to know that I had no intention of convincing you of any ending.. this is not my goal.

Nora, I can't speak for everyone but I never thought you were trying to "shove ideas" into people's head (anyway if it can be easily shoved, maybe the brain is a little leaky to begin with XDDD)

Frankly, you sound like the person in chap. 10.....XD

Foxy lady lol did you mean Mr Kim?

The longest distance is between the heart to the mind. It takes a lifetime to journey. :)

Yes it probably is...

One orange juice, please...

Coming right up. It comes in two version, spiked and unspiked...your choice LOL

joined Jul 11, 2017

1.What you want to happen.
2.What you think will happen.
3,What actually happens. (You forgot this one.)
Without 3. it is impossible to declare if someone is delusional after all we all have our own version of "want" and "think". es0teric or someone else mentioned awhile ago that they didn't like to analyze unfinished work, and I could see why they wouldn't want to do that because the lack of all 3 create too many "delusional thinkers".

Haha you're right..which was why I deliberately omitted 3, because when compared to reality, everything else is something we "conjure up" and then we would be talking about how everyone here might be "delusional" -me included- but that wasn't what I was trying to get at.

I was only drawing comparison between (1) and (2). As Tyrion Lannister (Tyrion also wants a cameo appearance here alongside foxy lady's Dumbledore XDDD) puts it "a wise man once said you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it".

"What we think will happen" is defined by logic and rational reasoning and sometimes even intuition (but even for intuition one can argue that it is less about suddenly "knowing" the right answer and more about instinctively understanding what information is unimportant and can thus be discarded i.e. as a "common wisdom" emerging over what information was superfluous and what was essential)

For "What we want to happen", we want what we want and it is not always logical (I want to fly without being on an aeroplane XDDD). I guess what I was trying to say is, the two are shaped by completely different factors and when they are not aligned, it creates a sort of cognitive dissonance if you will.

Does orange juice give me buzz? If yes, 10 orders please XD.

lol I will spike the orange juice just for you XDDD

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 10:00PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

I want to get involved without getting involved XDDDD
What we want to happen and what we think will happen are two separate things, and they are shaped by different factors. When the two aren't aligned and we force them to become one and the same, it's bordering on the delusional...

Anyway, no bourbon juice anyone? XDDDD

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 2:15AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 31 Jul 00:03
joined Jul 11, 2017

(but why am I commenting as if I was in TripAdvisor)

Because the egg is not eggy. But what's the point of an egg being an egg if it's not eggy? Ahaahaha no i don't really mean that XDD.

At least you're not being a tripadvisory trip advisor XD

joined Jul 11, 2017

lol Foxy lady playfulness is never a's a virtue XDDDD
Good night!

last edited at Jul 30, 2017 11:35AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

The end of the WDTFS was supposedly the beginning of Seju and Sumin"s life together. The beginning of WDTFS showed the end of their relationship

If this is how it'll end, this is a very good summary to the story XD

I love Hayao Miyazaki! and I love the Kaonashi XDD

Seriously, I think I like oranges now... hahaha..

LOLLLL forget abt grapes they're overrated XDDDDD