Since we're on the topic of usernames...
I don't know why I chose the name bubbleteabird. I don't drink bubble tea anymore and birds are mean. I think I was just in a panic to pick something so I just picked two random objects and combined them into a weird amalgamation. If I could change my username, I would just use my real name because no one would believe it's my actual name. A fictional character in a popular YA book series shares my real name, and when I used my name as my username on another website, everyone kept on commenting something like, "I read the books too!" and "Haha, cool name. I get the reference!"
Edit: Now that I think about it... It's kind of the inverse of shadeofgreymoon's situation, where their username was accidentally used in a book. Whereas my real name was accidentally used in a book.
last edited at Mar 24, 2020 9:50PM