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joined Feb 14, 2016

There's only so much to fit in 4 panels but just threatening violence over a platonic relationship is fucked up on its own. I don't necessarily mean that this relationship is built on an abusive dynamic, an actual teenage girl flinching at the threat in that way is a clear sign of, as they say, problems in the home. Definitely a strong implication of very bleak shit even if it's not directly depicted on the page, and I don't think it really makes sense any other way.

last edited at Jul 15, 2021 5:07PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Highly uncomfortable, but not as bad as To Meet You Again was. Especially as Ako decided not to hit her after seeing how much she cared for her.

I actually think this is much darker honestly, given that the story seems to treat one of the characters as generous for not engaging in violent abuse. Puts the emotional abuse aspects into even sharper focus.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Adri_VolKatina posted:

Let's go read

This gets a chuckle from me. Thanks!

joined Feb 14, 2016

I don't know many bikini armor games, but there is this terrible anime called Bikini Warriors if you like to suffer.

If memory serves... Isnt that a series of hentai shorts?

Pretty much, I think it was more on the ecchi side. Still brainless and bad.


Also there is nothing bad about Goblin Slayer. Goblins are monsters, not humans. In some settings you have female demons killing men or harpies ripping males appart. If anyone thinks getting abused, eaten or worse is some kind of lewd fanservice, they might have problems. Just think of the Xenomorph from Alien. They aren't a statement about some nation or meant as wank material, they are simply there to spook you.

You're... You're aware that the visual design of the Xenomorphs and their whole ecosystem is meant to represent the physical manifestation of threats of sexual violence right? I mean I expected missing the point in the thread but I didn't think it would be this bad

joined Feb 14, 2016

I like it when the story draws attention to its fuckeduppitude right off the bat. Doesn't seem too over the top either like a lot of yandere stuff is, at least not. Yet

joined Feb 14, 2016

Was the getting mad over the "eve. rain" thing because when abbreviated it looks like a double-entendre or similar? (In the original Japanese, I mean)

last edited at Jun 4, 2021 4:17PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

^But she sees guys as vegatbles right? so she cant be interesed in them

Well we don't know where she goes to meet men that at least interested her enough to get intimate with; no reason to believe they were people she met at work.

At the same time none left a strong enough impression for her to want to stay with them either

joined Feb 14, 2016

Definitely Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri. That game was one of the few to really understand the bleakness inherent in the 4x genre, and all the flavor was really funny.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I do think this is pushing on the melodramatic side (too shouty) but it otherwise still feels plausible. Any issues I have with pacing are more about chapter length than the directness of the narrative; it doesn't feel like it's stuck in a rut.

last edited at May 21, 2021 7:36PM

Omegaverse discussion 17 May 20:14
joined Feb 14, 2016

It's funny how Omegaverse steeps itself in some idea of a universal irresistible mamallian desire when almost all species that actually do mate for life are birds, though I suppose wolves actually do, even if the hierarchical stuff is mostly built off questionable research.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I think the main character being interested in Omegaverse mythology in a taking-seventeen-surveys kind of way is the sort of real-world plausibility that makes me a little interested in this.

I guess the whole "failed alpha" thing is kind of a way to brush away the more bioessentialist aspects of the setup too.

joined Feb 14, 2016

After a bit of searching, I found the whole anthology on mangakalot.

Obviously, this chapter has been redrawn by Mikanuji before putting it in this collection.

The artwork is more detailed here than in the anthology.

Ah, I was wondering why the comment sounded so embarrassed about the art. Didn't realize it had been redrawn

joined Feb 14, 2016

Girl sleeps with multiple guys.
"Oh well you see she is not technically bisexual, because she was also interested in her best friend at the same time."
Get real.

It's called Compulsive Heterosexuality, and it's something a lot of gay people experience before they come out to themselves or feel secure enough to come our to everyone else. See also: Bearding.

I believe the term is "compulsory", not "compulsive".

Compulsive heterosexuality I imagine would be like, I dunno, Jersey Shore or something

joined Feb 14, 2016

I'm not sure I understand. My oven is electric

joined Feb 14, 2016

"Simp" is one of these words I just never knew existed, but at some point they start to appear everywhere for no discernible reason :P

The funny thing is it's actually really old slang. I'm kind of surprised it caught on again but then I feel the same way about "based" so I just intend to be a cantankerous old person, get off my gravel you mangy whippersnappers, etc

joined Feb 14, 2016

They played Mario Kart together and didn't have a massive fight and break up, which means they're married for life

joined Feb 14, 2016

You can play most Yuri stories on any computer made within like the last decade at least, as long as it can boot up. They're finally starting to get localized consistently, which is nice.

While I still haven't sat down to play it, a lot of people I respect have only good things to say about SeaBed, and I might encourage starting there

last edited at Apr 26, 2021 2:37AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

It's not exactly a deep conceit but given the setting's adjacency to your goblin slayer-y shows that are like "no, no these women want to be kept as slaves so it's okay" it'd still be funny even if the story weren't tied to justified anger over real-world sexism. I'll keep an eye on this one

joined Feb 14, 2016

Holy shit didn't expect everyone in this thread to be so butthurt they'd start spouting spouting philosophical/ politcal bullshit. JESUS CHRIST NO ONE GIVES A SHIT LMAO ABSOLUTE CRINGE GET A LIFE SERIOUSLY

Honestly I'm just gonna say the same thing that I did about the "no way I can have a girlfriend" series which is that there's just not that much to get horny over in this one. Once you get past the scandalous setup it's bland.

I mean ok, sure, if you're a feet person then hey that one page is pretty good though huh

joined Feb 14, 2016

Really jarring pacing. I had some suspicions about what I was getting into but I'm definitely glad the author's newer stories (i.e., FnR) are a lot less lurid about this stuff because it gives the interactions a lot more room to breathe and the characters get depth as a result

last edited at Apr 13, 2021 9:34AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

While I do feel like Kase's jealous cycle has gotten stale, it's largely due to the fact that there's usually some danger Yamada winds up in that ultimately proves Kase was right. This time around, Kase's jealousy was 100% unfounded and the fact she just twatted a TV celebrity who's the star of a public event right in the face means she's gonna have to deal with the consequences of her hero act (either in the form of a telling off from Yamada or the yuri equivalent of that bit in the film The Tuxedo where Jackie Chan accidentally knocks out James Brown and has to perform in his place). Next chapter should be intriguing.

Yeah. This is the first case where Kase's behavior is clearly harmful and unjustified. I think it's reasonable that Kase never had to change her behavior before because it wasn't truly wrong, but here at least Yamada has a risk of negative consequences because someone who has potentially a lot of power in shaping her career, well, just got hit with a bag and even if it's not strictly Yamada's fault, it's someone she knows who did it.

This absolutely feels different from the other times this has happened in the series and I really hope further chapters commit to this. Looking forward to them.

joined Feb 14, 2016

That shit ain't my language.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Trap was never meant to be offensive.


joined Feb 14, 2016

I hate to wade too far into the discourse on here but it's ~funny~ how the past couple of years have normalized the use of terms like "femboy" in this context and yet the translators chose the term they did

joined Feb 14, 2016

No it's clearly a reference to the hit series Spingebob Squarepoint