Freaking scummy, what mess she enter
It was easy, as expected of a twitter manga
Cali could easily had her if she tried again
They get old, could be forever young
So, how she taste?
They are changing of genre, wow
This was prelude for their confession, right?
Ah, i get it She fixed her so she can had her happy ending
Wow, probably both will fall for each other and she forgot her sister, xd
They should had bang, xd
She say it, she say it! And know they look prettier after a romance
Bravo Kojima, for a reason he recommended this manga!
Hololives is a poly club
One day they will stream having lewd and will be a greatest day
Oh course Raven will be top
Desconstrution of tomboy genre
As expected of child and mother, lol
Captain privilegies, xd
Wow, Kafka finger are smart
Beside of any band story, this seen closer to Ladies don’t play figthing games in the duo interactions
She is strong for a shorty
Poly option is opening
So, she really tap a ghost? Oh wow
True, remember Akebi chan but with college student so is not problematic anymore Also, this euphemist of made exersive look lewds
Yup, Ayaka as adult will obviously mark her zone