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LilyHara! discussion 06 Aug 17:55
joined Jul 16, 2013

This is nothing more than DIVINE JUSTICE. With yuri. Homura blessed it.

In the future, top and bottom will be decided by the hierarchy in the companies. Get used to it.

But the ending shows that the underling is on top.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Invite your newly realizing she likes girls friend to a double date with boys

Is surprised when she runs away

Best friend ever.

joined Jul 16, 2013

what changed?

The group is using magazine scans.

Anima Yell! discussion 01 Aug 02:04
joined Jul 16, 2013

Being the childhood friend is suffering.

Citrus discussion 18 Jul 17:54
joined Jul 16, 2013

clearly Mei is the victim in all of these since her father left her with the burden and her grandfather depends on her to carry the Aihara legacy. the marriage is white there's not gonna be sex or shit for sure since they are doing it for the family and stuff.

But she is also a horrible human being for making Yuzu suffer so hard and a massive coward for breaking up with her with a letter.
And no, for her to fulfill her obligation she obviously has to get pregnant.

Citrus discussion 18 Jul 17:53
joined Jul 16, 2013

new chapter is up!
hate for Mei and Saburouta in 1....2....

Rightfully so.

Citrus discussion 18 Jul 17:51
joined Jul 16, 2013

At this point I just hope somebody punches Mei, her father and her grandfather into the face. I mean what the fuck? Does she want to get banged by a dude so desperately? Is her dad ok with abandoning her and the agreeing to a teen marriage? And her grandfather just uses her to create some "legacy". Fuck them all.

joined Jul 16, 2013

so are gonna talk about the fact this is tagged as Yuri and this it's not? This is subtext at the best, when the teachers showed up I thought was gonna have some development among themselves buuuutttttttt..... it's a snoozefest

I guess it is tagged yuri because it runs in Yuri Hime.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Really like the art style but almost immediately lost interest when Sensei showed up.

Edit: Now I feel stupid because I realized sensei is a woman.

last edited at Jul 7, 2018 5:25AM

joined Jul 16, 2013

Because the tag refers to romantic partners. You don't see older-younger siblings/friends/etc. tagged with age gap.

Considering the author and the symbolism at the end I think age gap works perfectly fine here.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Bitch-chan is an asshole, but I can get behind it. She's a spoiled rotten brat who will learn a lesson about humility and how a good personality is worth more than your appearance from an outcast girl. It's a tried-and-true tale and I'm sure it'll work just fine here. (Though the fact that it will end with the brat and outcast getting together is a plus.)

She does not seem to be THAT bad. Biggest issue is that all her friends and probably most of the school are constantly praising her. If you grow up in such an environment it is no surprise she turns out to be like that.

Also, that are just very common tropes for manga and anime. We have seen them in yuri manga many times and probably a lot more many times in all other kinds of genres.

Image Comments 25 Jun 17:07
joined Jul 16, 2013

Incest harem

How nice!

joined Jul 16, 2013

I...I am shocked. Where is the drama? Where is the het sex? I think this proves it, Kodama must be possessed by some yuri spirit!

Citrus discussion 19 Jun 13:39
joined Jul 16, 2013

Well, this is gonna end in like 2-3 chapters. Timeskip and resolution after dealing with all tasks. Lame.

As usual with romance in manga. Once the main couple gets together it ends. No cute dating. No daily life without big drama approaching.

Citrus discussion 19 Jun 12:53
joined Jul 16, 2013

Mei did not chose another path. it got forced onto her by her heartless grandfather.

Cant believe people still honestly believe this. I guess you have to if you want to keep thinking that Mei is a good person.

But it is true. Ever since she was a child he put pressure on her, telling her how much her father sucks and how he wants her to take over the academy and keep the "family tradition" (which is no tradition since he is the first one owning the school).

Citrus discussion 19 Jun 11:34
joined Jul 16, 2013

Yuzu is way too selfish on this one. She came out of the closet and forced Mei to do so. This isn't something you do for someone. This is a personal choice and even though it went very well, she shouldn't have done that.

Plus, she is forcing this relationship. Mei chose another path, and Yuzu doesn't respect that. Love doesn't justify all means. Let's imagine Mei is coming back to Yuzu, I don't think she will be thrilled AT ALL that Yuzu say all of those things.

The fact that everyone is supportive is great but I really don't like how it happened. This is either poorly written or it will backfire at Yuzu (and even though Mei had been hard on her, she would deserve it this time).

Mei did not chose another path. it got forced onto her by her heartless grandfather.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Which is one of the reasons the whole housewife thing is kind of stupid bullshit (now that it isn't a practical necessity anymore) since it basically leaves perfectly healthy and capable adults sitting idle after the kids grow up.

It is also an old concept that does not even work in old conservative Japan.

joined Jul 16, 2013

wait, they give out condoms at school!?

Many countries outside the US have a rather relaxed sex education and do not think children will turn into perverted monsters when they see a condom.

Killing Me! discussion 01 Jun 03:17
joined Jul 16, 2013

Just a passing thought: The human friendly vampires, in movie, and books, always get their blood from hospitals, and blood banks, to prove they don't kill people. So, what about the people, who need blood transfusions to live? I'm always hearing about how our blood supply is dangerously low. And they are constantly doing blood drives. So, aren't vampires still, at least, risking human lives, when they take blood from those places?

Those blood transfusions are saving people though. Without them Vampires would die. Isn't that exactly what blood transfusions are for? Keep people who need blood from dying?

joined Jul 16, 2013

I was going to write "Just hit them with the broom" but I guess a baseball bat is fine too. To be honest I am surprised this does not happen more often IN japan seeing how intense bullying can be over there.

Anyway, kinda refreshing to see these kind of girls get what they deserve (in manga).

joined Jul 16, 2013

I think the .Bisexual. tag should be added

I think there is a reason why she wont get wet for guys. Starts with L

joined Jul 16, 2013

it's not even yuri manga to begin with until sensei and her waifu showed up,
it's just a manga about cute girls doing cute k̶i̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ things together

There is definitely a growing romance between Haru and Natsu.

well maybe a little bit

Not just a little bit. Quite a lot!

joined Jul 16, 2013

it's not even yuri manga to begin with until sensei and her waifu showed up,
it's just a manga about cute girls doing cute k̶i̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ things together

There is definitely a growing romance between Haru and Natsu.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Ive been waiting for this! finally finally finally!
natsu kissed someone else other than haru!

now, it's about time for haru to kiss someone else as well, I hope the one who'd kiss by haru is sensei! I ship em so much that a good thing? If kisses become more normal between pairings it kinda ruins the yuri.

Girls kissing each other ruins the yuri?

It may sound weird but yes it can. Now it probably wont happen but if it turns into a "just wanna swap with person xy today" it will be definitely less yuri.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Ive been waiting for this! finally finally finally!
natsu kissed someone else other than haru!

now, it's about time for haru to kiss someone else as well, I hope the one who'd kiss by haru is sensei! I ship em so much that a good thing? If kisses become more normal between pairings it kinda ruins the yuri.