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Image Comments 08 Aug 06:30
joined Jul 29, 2017

We need more Lotte yuri, because she's best girl.

Image Comments 07 Aug 21:46
joined Jul 29, 2017

I honestly prefer rarer pairings like this, variety is the spice of life. And they both love pink, after all.

Image Comments 07 Aug 21:38
joined Jul 29, 2017

Emily needs to appear again sometimes, so fanartists can draw her in something other than that ugly Christmas sweater.

joined Jul 29, 2017

All these generic cute-girls-doing-cute-things series just feel the same to me, there's nothing here that stands out at all, and none of the girls have much of a personality to speak of.

last edited at Aug 7, 2017 9:26PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Do you think she actually needs to kiss the mirror to make it work, or is that just something the mirror says to women to get some action?

Ayakashiko discussion 07 Aug 13:12
joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, it was nice that the dad seems to have nothing but his daughter's safety in mind, and also believes that she actually has powers and isn't just crazy. It's way too easy to just make parents in these kind of stories just evil antagonists, but he's being very reasonable.
And it seems like he never actually implied that the ayakashi would be dangerous or killed people, that was all Mahiro projecting. It just seems like he's worried that his daughter will stop interacting with humans.
Which again is a reasonable concern, because that's exactly what happened until just a couple of weeks ago.
And yeah, the constant unintentional flirting that never goes anywhere can be pretty frustrating, but that's the bread and butter of subtext manga. The only girls who don't come off as closeted lesbians are the fox gods and Kii, who is just a kid.

last edited at Aug 7, 2017 1:21PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Smooth asf

The "oops, I spilled your tea, you have to get naked now" was a happy accident, but "oops, I somehow forgot to give you a place to sleep on our sleepover, looks like we have no other choice but to sleep together" was clearly a calculated move.

I'm having trouble seeing the pair here as anything but Sayuri and Yoriko.

If this was them, the senpai would've stripped naked immediately after getting wet, have her own bed flown in by helicopter and slept upside down, or something weird like that.

last edited at Aug 6, 2017 7:44AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Awkward, flustered yuri with a happy ending (in both meanings of the word, in this case) is my fetish.

Two Spirals discussion 04 Aug 04:45
joined Jul 29, 2017

I liked the part when they yelled a lot.

Dark Widow discussion 03 Aug 20:07
joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, the fact that there's nearly always three or four jokes in every strip is what really creates the sense of speed and high energy that makes this series so great.

Also the teacher is the best. I have a feeling that if they told her what was going on with all the demons and demon hunters, she still wouldn't care.

last edited at Aug 3, 2017 8:12PM

Ayakashiko discussion 02 Aug 18:33
joined Jul 29, 2017

Okay, Yukime has now officially gone from "slightly yuri-curious" to "full homo", and I love it.

Also I love how Mahoro is such a mom to everyone else. And a good one, too.

last edited at Aug 2, 2017 9:42PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

/me reads comments and sighs. There's always one...Oh well

Yeah, how dare someone express their own personal opinion, and say terrible, awful things like that this isn't quite as good as the artist usually is (which is definitely true, I agree with that), and that this would be better if it was expanded upon. That's basically like being Hitler.

Seriously though, you're being a silly jerk, Morter.

last edited at Aug 1, 2017 7:43PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Wakasa is more of a sexual predator than a reliable friend, she's made that pretty clear before.

joined Jul 29, 2017

She can't betray her nature as a perv.

joined Jul 29, 2017

On one hand, I love these two knuckleheads, and get that a lot of the comedy comes from the awkward sexual tension. On the other hand, it's kinda ridiculous (even by this manga's high standards) that their relationship never gets anywhere, especially when Sayuri has literally told Yoriko that she's attracted to girls, at least in one timeline. I love their shenanigans, but a part of me just want to see these two weirdos as a couple.

I do love that no matter the timeline, Yoriko is always filthy rich and has a ninja maid. It's an universal constant in all dimensions.

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 7:57AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Didn't really feel like a love triangle or NTR to me, more like a "girl is upset that her mom's got a new girlfriend and things are changing" situation.
Kanon's and Mimi's relationship came off as much more familial than romantic, basically like a parent and a child, which I think is the idea.

It also couldn't be any clearer that Kanon is talking about getting Mimi's permission to confess to Chiyako, they don't leave that up for interpretation.

Adorable little story, gave me warm, fuzzy feelings. You also don't get a lot of yuri from the perspective of a childlike third party like this, it's an interesting change of pace.

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 7:24AM

Ayakashiko discussion 29 Jul 06:38
joined Jul 29, 2017

This series is gayer than a lot of series that are marketed as yuri, so it's about time it got the subtext tag.

Although I hope the Yukionna gets some time in the spotlight, she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as the other girls, and comes off as a bit flat as a result.

joined Jul 29, 2017

A female teacher drooling over her female student's naked bodies is plenty yuri, I think.

Also hooray for both glasses and freckles, I hope she'll show up again (she probably won't).

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 7:32AM