Forum › Posts by Sharkexpert12

joined Mar 29, 2017

Some authors should hire some writing help. This development is beyond moronic.

Should have probably just been a cute love story about an OL and the stray she picked up (or forced herself on) like it was after the first chapter. Good thing this part only lasts for 4 chapters.

On the other hand it makes it stand out a bit instead of being the same old song and dance so it evens out i geuss.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Tried to kill her every die? What incompetent parents ...

I mean, really, killing someone isn't that difficult. You'd think at some point they'd have figured out something.

Drinking makes you dumb, can't really blame them

Yet a good chunk of death occurs because of drinking if anything the more dumb the easyier it gets to kill.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Dense girls practicing kissing while their practice partner secretly likes them? I've never seen that before.

Next this author will probably blow our minds with a plot about two high school girls falling in love through their club activities.

What original plotlines will we see next? I can't wait to find out.

Getting annoyed with cliches about romance stories on an internet forum? I've never seen that before

Next this poster will probably blow our minds with another post about how their favorite story is so much better than the rest of the stories out there.

What original complaints will we see next? I can wait to find out.

Know what I’m sick of?—pop songs where the singer is in love with someone who doesn’t love them back.

Or even worse—they’re in love with someone who used to love them but doesn’t anymore.

C’mon people—SO CLICHE.

Ya and whats with this wheel being round nonsense they need to do something diffrent by now they have only had thousands of years.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Dense girls practicing kissing while their practice partner secretly likes them? I've never seen that before.

Next this author will probably blow our minds with a plot about two high school girls falling in love through their club activities.

What original plotlines will we see next? I can't wait to find out.

How about a teacher and a student. Crazy idea I know but I think it could work.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Translator bullying editor with too many scripts, so our speed will slow down a bit. Just a heads up.

Being a bully is bad mm'kay

Image Comments 14 Oct 01:20
joined Mar 29, 2017

We are ever so slowly moveing into school idol group teritory.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I wonder if Hinako and Fujiho will be shipped eventually.


Seri and Shouko are barely even in subtext territory right now, so I'm not too sure about side-pairings.

Ha.. Haha... Ahahaha....

Can we please not ship married moms? k thx lol

That's not how it works here.

Hinako somehow has to get over Kasumi being taken from her after all.

I did say "right now", ya know? lol

Hmm... I should have known. Was never a fan of shipping everything that moves.

We have shipped trees here we are much to far gone.

joined Mar 29, 2017

This is gay

kicks down hole

joined Mar 29, 2017

Meh Ive alwase seen it as one big orgy more then a harem.

joined Mar 29, 2017

No guys, you don't get it:

The double persona
The contemplative gaze
The quirky way to see the world

Don't you see? She's in the fight club


joined Mar 29, 2017

First plot twist: That's a girl!
Second plot twist: Actually, a boy!

Third plot twist: both

last edited at Oct 11, 2018 11:31AM

joined Mar 29, 2017

It was in that moment he realized he had zero chance.

joined Mar 29, 2017

You dont find trap romance it kinda just happens.

Image Comments 07 Oct 14:26
joined Mar 29, 2017

Ahh nier one of the few games that has the ceo of dev house directly adress the player in a series they technically dont own thus burning the cannon in a spin off of a spin off of a mindfuck of a game series. Fucking square and platinum a crossover destined to be confuseing.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Ps why do most manga/anime girls have virtually no alcohol tolerance? And the ones that do are usually depicted as alcoholics

Aside from "it's girly and proper to not be a hard drinker" (and can be played for cute humor), low body weight and inexperience go a long way to make alcohol hit like a truck. Also, alcohol tolerance like lactose tolerance can differ across various populations thanks to genes that code for enzymes related to metabolizing alcohol - basically people with the different genes don't process alcohol as well. It's far from absolute, but Japanese people are one of those populations with a (relatively) high incidence of low tolerance.

As far as the second point, well, one way to build your tolerance is to drink more...

Also: drinking slower, eating before, being fat, and some medications can also do it (dont do this one)

joined Mar 29, 2017

Sakurako was an adorable drunk. Also, seriously how is this not at least deserving of yuri crush tags? I mean I can maybe see the argument that Kasumi is asexual or something making it one sided, but Sakurako is strait up yuri mauling her at this point.

Okay, I'm not to familiar with it, but asexual people don't usually get jealous when their wife friend tries to kiss another person, do they?

I don't want to get into an argument about asexuallity since I pretty much agree with you that they are a couple at this point and they are likely both into each other that way, but yes you can be an asexual and still have romantic partners even without ever having any outright desire to ever have sex with anyone.

Neither do I. I honestly didn't know much about asexuality besides the cliché of not being interested in anything.
That's why, thank you very much for the explanation.

For a little bit there I had the image of her dupelicateing herself then I remembered that it also means unintrested in sexual activity.

joined Mar 29, 2017

What are the laws in Japan!? The other party is 18!!!! That's within legal bounds in the USA!

In Japan,the age of consent is 13 but a person is considered a minor until they're 20

That's the national age of consent, which hasn't been changed in forever because each prefecture has their own age of consent. Most are 18 like in the US, none of them drop below 16 (again like the US).

Don't go to Japan assuming it's 13.

[Insert unorignal should have told me sooner joke here]

joined Mar 29, 2017

I kinda wish I had a cute younger girlfriend who would be at home waiting for me when I returned from work. :S

Just murder a family and kidnap one and hide the girl in the apartment you murdered for. As well as violently threaten anyone who stands in your way. So easy I have 5 of them.

joined Mar 29, 2017

That was quite the chapter drop.

joined Mar 29, 2017

What Serenata said is correct, and this is said concept art:

Sorry about image's size.

Others already thought of it, and there's actually even fanarts depicting this scenario (or, at least one, the one I saw), but some other people also hypothesised that the crown can't just fall off, and would need to be intentionally removed. Now you can just choose which option you prefer.

Now @BugDevil
Just adding my two cents: My view of Bowser is of someone who doesn't really care about their gender and would be fine with either, so as long as he likes his appearance as "Bowsette", he would just go with it. Thus, whatever gender the viewer choose to perceive Bowsette as, would be valid.

It was a while ago and my memory is kinda crappy of when I remember it (highschoo and stuff) but I do remember a fem bowser image from what feels like 8 years ago might have my timeline mixed up cause drugs... but i probly saw it on neogaf or something it was a really rough sketch in typical tpose postion. And yes i talked to some guys from back in the day they also vaugely remember the thing enough to vaugely remember it once exsisted but was probly nuked from orbit by Nintendo at the time. To be 100% clear I cant find definative proof on these images after looking into it and even asking some contacts I still have. So just assume im off my nut and have no idea what im talking about. Before you ask no I know noone from Nintendo of Japan and to just add in a bit more most publishers and development studios are frankly untrustworthy so never take their world on anything unless its backed up with proof.

The meme is gold tho cant remember the last time a popular meme involved this level of creativity so however it started and whatever its roots it dosent matter. Its probly my bad for not doing any digging on the matter and just working off a vauge memory. So just ignore my ramblings and enjoy the meme.

Image Comments 03 Oct 07:09
joined Mar 29, 2017

For some reason this brought back flashbacks of ride to hell retribution no amount of yuri can heal the scars that game left on me. I can still hear the words "fully clothed sex scenes" echo thru my memory.

last edited at Oct 3, 2018 7:09AM

Image Comments 03 Oct 06:49
joined Mar 29, 2017

@pureshipper the naked kind.

Image Comments 03 Oct 06:46
joined Mar 29, 2017

There is a distinct lack of a certan loli ninja.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't have problems with Windows Updates at times. They always happen outside of my active hours, and in the event that one doesn't, I can tell it to wait until I'm ready. Plus you can schedule them.

Ditto. I pretty much just check for updates before turning in for the night when I can be arsed to remember to (usually once or twice a week); do people not fiddle with the settings at all or something?

On an entirely different note, not a bad improvisation there Yohane. But you gotta keep it up to the end...

Depends if you have a prebuilt OEM system (dell,lenovo,hp,ect) you are probly fine. If you have a custom build then you tend to see issues with motherboards and their bios with windows updates not regestering a boot drive. Ive had 3 of my computers become bricks because of windows updates in the past so it is a very real problem.

Proposal discussion 02 Oct 05:58
joined Mar 29, 2017

Nico like "miss me with that heteronormative shit".

"heternormative" you mean normal?

The word normal has little meaning on a lesbian focused site and where we are talking about two fictional characters in a fictional setting we have no information on. If used to reffrence the real world then again it must be stated where you are reffrencing and a conection must be made to actually ask such a question. (Yes i enjoy being a buzzkill)