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WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 17:00
joined Apr 3, 2016

Aw man, being taken in this thread kills all the fun. xD Alright then, this round goes to you. I shall leave the ship sinking to Kitkat. xD Also, I'll go to bed now, it's getting late over here.
See you later, ladies!

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 16:53
joined Apr 3, 2016

What have I done to deserve this twice in a row...

Nothing, to be perfectly honest. I just wanna jump in on all your relationship drama in this thread, I feel like I've been missing out. >:D So now I'm gonna pull a Shane and steal your girl.

Now then... /sexily walks up to Azai/ You look like you could need some nice company, darling...


(^ Su when I eat her yoghurt without asking.)

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 4:54PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 16:49
joined Apr 3, 2016

What have I done to deserve this twice in a row...

Nothing, to be perfectly honest. I just wanna jump in on all your relationship drama in this thread, I feel like I've been missing out. >:D So now I'm gonna pull a Shane and steal your girl.

Now then... /sexily walks up to Azai/ You look like you could need some nice company, darling...

I already have my waifuu. (¬д¬。)

Well, but does your waifuu have a pet dragon? I have one, ya know. Tamed it myself. It can spit fire. Fire even hotter than myself. ;D

It is brain-frying. But next is pediatrics, so it will get better. Or not.

Just stay optimistic. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 16:43
joined Apr 3, 2016

What have I done to deserve this twice in a row...

Nothing, to be perfectly honest. I just wanna jump in on all your relationship drama in this thread, I feel like I've been missing out. >:D So now I'm gonna pull a Shane and steal your girl.

Now then... /sexily walks up to Azai/ You look like you could need some nice company, darling...

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 4:44PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 16:34
joined Apr 3, 2016

LIIIN, you'd better resist that.

It's so haaard though! I mean, your butt is so pinchable. Dx How about I give you a nice butt massage instead? We can hide, so Newp doesn't need to know. ;D

I'm at the end of my surgery stay (at last!). I had exams of gastroenterology, thoracic, vascular and head/neck surgery.

Geezus. Sounds brain-frying to me. xD I hope you'll be able to get a lot of rest after that.

But I did find astounding that it could last that long.

It really is, isn't it? Technology these days is just amazing.

Going to go pervy pervy tofu tofu all over kanojo >_<

#TeamShamelessLeader xD

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 4:36PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 16:12
joined Apr 3, 2016

/pats Azai and resists temptation to pinch her butt again / Good job. ^_^ What kind of exams were that exactly?

The surgery is on May 28th, so exactly 4 weeks from today. :-)

I remembered you asked about it one time, so today I remembered to ask Su's doctor about some details about the machine, which keeps Su's heart transplant alive. He said he can't disclose too many details about it, since that would basically be like revealing a company secret, but he told me the general way how it works at least. I'm not sure I understood the entirety of it, but that device basically acts as a sort of artificial body for the heart to work in. He said the heart is a very special organ, which isn't necessarily dependent on input from the brain and nervous system to stay alive. Apparently, all a heart really needs to keep beating is some blood it can pump around and take the nutrients it needs and oxygen from. So what that machine does is basically acting like a tiny, artifical body. The heart it contains inside is being kept in a special liquid, which keeps the heart oxygenated and nutritioned. Instead of blood, it keeps pumping around that liquid while the device keeps everything at body temperature and keeps stimulating the heart to not stop beating by administering little electric shocks in regular intervals. Each day, that liquid inside the container is being at least partly renewed and the data the device documents about the heart's performance and health is analysed. Apparently, keeping an organ alive like that for so long is only possible with a heart, since all other organs are too dependent on input from other organs and someone has yet to find out how to "fake" that input with a machine. That's what he told me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 15:19
joined Apr 3, 2016

Bisexual heeeeere~~
But might turn out to be a full-ass-fledged gay bc of Llama

Lol. Join the rainbow side, we have cupcakes! xD

Hopefully Su stays healthy !!
We're waiting for a better result !!
Say hi to Su for me !!

That's what I hope as well. :-) And ok, will do.

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 15:18
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin, do you like dragons? ^-^

I do. ^_^ One of my exes got me into them. She had a dragon tattoo on her back and when I asked why she has it, she just started rambling about what kinds of dragons there are, dragon mythology, good dragon books and movies and etc. I just somehow got into them as well the more time I spent with her. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 15:10
joined Apr 3, 2016

So I was wondering, what do you guys identify as sexually? I mean, I know I'm a gold star and I'm pretty sure Fay said she was bi and Dofu is a lesbian, right? What about you others?

Also, good news: Su's getting out for good tomorrow. :-) Like I said, she's gonna have to go to hospital 3 times a week for some routine check-ups, but if she stays healthy, she won't have to check back in until a day before the surgery. ^_^

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 3:11PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 11:52
joined Apr 3, 2016

Eat while it's still hot! ;D
... That was bad, and yes, I do feel bad now.

Also, I love how everyone is keeping my Draglin in their quoted posts. Beware my mighty clone army! x'D

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 11:54AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 10:24
joined Apr 3, 2016

I'm Lin dammit! Dx Liiiin! D'x One weekend of my love spending time on here and you people forget who I am...

Come forth, my trusty servant, and let them feel my burning wrath!

WDTFS fans - off topic 28 Apr 10:20
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hello, hello and Su is your pic of Yoruichi? Fanart? Best Bleach character :)

I'm Lin dammit! Dx Liiiin! D'x One weekend of my love spending time on here and you people forget who I am... /mumbles incoherent curses/ xD

But yeah, that's Yoruichi. I didn't continue watching Bleach after Aizen was defeated, but I agree. Yoruichi is the best character!

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 14:57
joined Apr 3, 2016

xD we never had this conversation.

I mean I can relate to the feeling when cheap tricks won't work on your girlfriend. xD

And more boring :P

Meh. And I guess we wouldn't have all those sweet, dramatic yuri mangas if there weren't any gray shades. Can you imagine Sasameki Koto or Octave without all the angst? xD

Maybe I should have said hashtags. #SejusBottomBuddies #TeamWorrywarts #TeamShameless #HornyGirlsfriendsFTW #BottomPride #WeveMadeALotOfThese

...I think #HornyGirlfriendsFTW was even my creation, wasn't it? ...God, I really need to work on my memory. >_<

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 14:23
joined Apr 3, 2016

As you figured, puppy faces do not work on kanojo. She knows all my tricks by now that pretty much nothing but booze, sex, and sincere romantic gestures will actually work on her lol...

I can relate to that. xD


/sighs/ True, true. You know, sometimes I wish the world could just be black and white. I think it'd make this entire feelings and emotions sitch a whole lot less complicated.

I'm on a lot of teams because of this thread haha

I think I'm in Seju's Bottom Buddies and Team Worrywarts...and maybe Team Shameless sometimes. xD Were there even more? I can only recall those.

last edited at Apr 27, 2016 2:24PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 12:22
joined Apr 3, 2016

I'll just try to look cute and hope they forgive me.

Is kanojo the type to fall for that? By what you revealed about her until now, I can somehow imagine her only rolling her eyes when you try a puppy dog pout on her. xD

Lmfao... hardcore.

She got that from her dad. xD As much as I despise the man, I will at least admit he did a swell job in raising his daughter.

I'm in the same boat whenever it comes to loved ones and health-related issues. Even if it's minor, I get worried.

Lol. #TeamWorrywarts /offers high five/

Anything major I'm inwardly a mess and outwardly unable to express anything lol... Damn tear ducts do not function properly. Though I can faint, apparently. I hate hospitals; last time I was in one I fainted. I guess it's not a bad place to faint if you have to faint lol.

That's true, I guess. xD I hate the feeling you get after you wake up from having fainted. I passed out once when I hit my head in that train crash 11 years ago. I felt so disoriented and confused when I woke up and I didn't feel my body for a few moments. Dx But that was the only time I ever passed out in my life. I guess I don't faint easily. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 11:26
joined Apr 3, 2016

Some times every day chaos is nice :) Better than atypical chaos. I'm starting to do a lot better, but I've gotten everybody else around here sick lol... whoops. I'll cook a big pot of chicken soup for them before I leave tomorrow.

Lol, I bet they are so mad at you, aren't they? xD

Su's an alpha top :P Alpha tops are winners. Winners don't let a little heart surgery get them down :)

I guess so. xD Wanna know something? When I picked her up last Friday, she actually jokingly asked her doctor if she could give her hunting knife to the surgeons so they can cut her open with that instead of a scalpel. She believes it brings good luck to do it that way. xD

/shaking head/ They say with the level of technology they have and if Su is in top shape on that day, she has an about 80% chance of surviving, 60% of making it without complications. I think I'm fretting for nothing. Can't help it though. I'm just naturally a worrywart. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 10:52
joined Apr 3, 2016

I've been pretty good so far. :-) Just your typical every day chaos to deal with, but it's not like I'm not used to it by now. xD How about you? How's the cold?


Good thing that everything is at least planned, probably helps to not make so hard to sleep

Not really, to be perfectly honest. I mean...this isn't a small thing, you know. xD It's not like she's getting a broken leg fixed or something. They're basically going to kill her, put in a new heart and hope she comes back to life. I'm trying not to think about that way, since I know if there wasn't a good chance for everything to work out, they probably wouldn't even try it. Still, it'd be a blatant lie to say I'm not nervous. >_< I'm actually a lot more nervous than Su herself is. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 10:26
joined Apr 3, 2016

hope the new medicine don't cause this problem and that she gets better soon. (T^T)

Well, if everything goes as planned, she'll only have to take that new medicine until May 28th. That's the day when she's getting her new heart. ...4 weeks and I'm already not getting enough sleep because of this. xD

Hey there, Dofu. ^_^

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 10:07
joined Apr 3, 2016

But besides that, did it have any other side affect or everything alright?

No, everything's fine now. ^_^

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 09:53
joined Apr 3, 2016

I see, just taking it easy, and I hope the allergy didn't last much or caused any problem besides collapsing, did she get hurt when it happened or was not that bad? Most people don't seen to notice how you can get serious injuries depending on how you fall..

I was able to catch her before she could've gotten hurt, fortunately. It was Sunday, she was in the kitchen making breakfast while I was in the living room, preparing the table and switched on the radio. Suddenly, I hear her calling my name, telling me to hurry to her side. So I did. Then next thing I know was I see her standing bent over, supporting her weight on one of our cupboards before she looked at me, whispered "something's wrong" and then she passed out. Scared the life out of me. >_<

Hey Martian & Newp! :-)

last edited at Apr 27, 2016 9:54AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 09:37
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey Rainy & Kitkat! ^_^

We didn't really do much during the weekend, since I had stuff to do on Saturday. We mainly just relaxed together on Sunday. Watched some TV, chilled on the couch etc. ^_^

I assume the previous medicine was not doing much good for her?

The old one she's been taking started losing its effect, so they put her on new one. But she was allergic to that new medicine, which nobody, not even Su herself, was aware of until she suffered an allergic shock and collapsed in our kitchen. :-/

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 09:01
joined Apr 3, 2016

/pretends to not see Thia and leaves/
xD Kidding.

Su was here, yeah. She was allowed to go home for the weekend, but had to check back into hospital on Monday so they can keep an eye on her and her heart's performance while her body recovers from her cold properly. If she fully recovers this week and her heart keeps responding to her new medicine as well as it has until now, she can go home for real this Friday. :-) She'd have to go to regular check-ups a few times a week until the day of her transplantation though.
As for how she's doing, she's fine. They put her on some new medicine she has to take twice a day and she's been feeling great ever since. Well, except for the fact, that she caught a cold. She's pretty much dying of boredom in the hospital, which is why they consider letting her out if her body keeps cooperating that well. ^_^

I've had a rough day cause I had to beat some sense into some stubborn kids and a pair of idiotic parents today. Pretty much one of the hardest parts of my job, since it really costs a lot of energy and restraint. Do you know that feeling when you just want to blow up in someone's face, but you know you just have to hold your horses and stay professional instead? I had to do that for a few hours today. And now I'm drained. >_<

last edited at Apr 27, 2016 9:03AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 27 Apr 08:48
joined Apr 3, 2016

/yawns/ Good afternoon. God, I'm exhausted. Dx Been a rough day.

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 15:52
joined Apr 3, 2016

Of course they can. Especially most mammals are a whole lot more intelligent and complex than what we give them credit for.

I think it might be possible, that Reeba is a little jealous of Jacky, since I have to spend more time with Jacky while Su isn't here. Since she's used to getting my attention a lot when I'm home, I think bullying Jacky like that could be Reeba's subliminal way of telling her to back off. :-/ I don't know for sure. I'll have to watch their interactions a little more closely to really find out.

Anyway. Bed time for me!

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 3:54PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 15:38
joined Apr 3, 2016

That they are. >_< But they can be really loveable and caring as well. I already know I'll cry like a baby for days once Reeba's time has come. Dx