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drpepperfan Admin
drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Magic strap-on on page 25, weird

joined Oct 12, 2010

The art looks like someone who learned how sex and bodies work from hentai, which in turn cribbed off other hentai, and so on, and at no point did anyone involved look at real bodies or even live-action porn.

Forever perpetuating the standard of bad.

It's hentai all the way down.

well, not too surprised given this oneshot is also on e-hentai.

lol wat man. Every single NSFW yuri story with good art is on e-hentai. What's this even mean.

joined Oct 12, 2010

Hi! I'm new here and I don't know how to add mangas to the "to read" "favourites" "currently reading" list... thank you in advance :)

Up at the top when on a manga ^^^

last edited at May 12, 2016 2:28AM

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 11 May 18:49
joined Oct 12, 2010

Recognise that curly hair anywhere. It's Amagami yuri

joined Oct 12, 2010

Can we take a moment to recognize the Master of Pussy Noises? That's just the sort of thing that's worthy of recognition.




drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Oh my fucking god the extras.

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 09 May 13:20
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wonder if the full image set would be uploadable. I'll have to think about it.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

My hero

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 08 May 22:37
joined Oct 12, 2010

happy mothers day

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Damn it, DrPepperFan, how long have you had that avatar?! I was just going to post this


Couldn't resist after reading before the upload. Fu-fuuuun~

last edited at May 8, 2016 1:50PM

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

If this isn't the final release of this chapter, please let me know. Sorry if it isn't.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Pretty sure they just wear skirts in winter. Probably.

It's Japan after all.

last edited at May 7, 2016 2:31AM

drpepperfan Admin
Time skip discussion 06 May 19:33
joined Oct 12, 2010

Hmm, pretty much Nevri. It only seems to be a slight spoiler at best, and meaningless at worst. I'm tempted at the moment to remove it from any chapters of anything that aren't a series with a chapter that skips forward a lot, but I wouldn't want to do something drastic without second opinions.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Missing page has been a-a-a-added

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 04 May 20:04
joined Oct 12, 2010

#1 Pairing

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wah hah hah

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Well the yuri was never alive to begin with. :c

But it's safe to say this ain't gonna become Monster Musume: School Edition

drpepperfan Admin
Gender Game discussion 03 May 14:59
joined Oct 12, 2010

"I prefer to top, I'm a butch"
"You could at least dress butch"

That kinda confused me, I'm not sure I know what femme/butch mean anymore, and what direct link it has on being top/bottom

In general, Butch is usually depicted as a top, and Femme as bottom, or so the stereotype would normally be. And butch is masculine, which femme is feminine.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

It can be hard to determine when a /u/ scanlation is finished, but I think this one is. Please send updated versions if there's any corrections or fixes.

drpepperfan Admin
Time skip discussion 02 May 10:21
joined Oct 12, 2010

To give a frame of reference for why I'm asking this btw, there was a request to tag this story with Time Skip, because of this panel , which really made me question the entire use of this tag. Like Divulge said, it's not content, genre, fetish, description etc etc. It just tells you that at one page, they skip forward slightly.

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 02 May 10:11
joined Oct 12, 2010

@YuzuYuri pretty sure Namori is a girl.

drpepperfan Admin
Time skip discussion 02 May 00:24
joined Oct 12, 2010

This tag feels like it could do with some sorting out. So I'm gonna start a discussion with the forum about it hopefully.

How much time skip in a work do you think warrants a tag for it? Should it be plot central? Should it be one at the start that takes us to the modern day, or a ending which cuts to years later? Or do you think any single time skip in a release should warrant the tag?

Let me know what you think, as at the minute it seems a odd tag, and I can't quite tell the purpose it serves.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

CN can't show gay stuff because their shows are aired into countries that have anti-gay laws - or so I read somewhere. So they don't want their shows heavily censored.

steven universe shows everywhere.

Yes, and it got heavily censored in a recent episode in the UK. And that's the UK, not a country with anti-gay laws.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Forgot to clarify, chapter 30 has been redone.