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drpepperfan Admin
I May To U discussion 31 May 17:03
drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

The most supportive family member in a yuri manga ever, damn.

joined Oct 12, 2010

lol the credit page

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

When it's finished

the scanlator of the Virgin's Empire chapters requests them to be uploaded when they're ready, if you've seen later chapters theyre WIP

last edited at May 29, 2016 8:57PM

drpepperfan Admin
Honey Crush discussion 27 May 04:04
joined Oct 12, 2010

It would be...rather pointless without them.

drpepperfan Admin
I'm a manga creator. 26 May 19:24
joined Oct 12, 2010

I'm sorry, I've looked over it and at the moment I don't think it could be uploaded to the reader. Sorry about this.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Cause that's not violence, it's comedic slapstick. This is violence.

drpepperfan Admin
I'm a manga creator. 24 May 18:10
joined Oct 12, 2010

You can suggest things for upload via the Upload Request I can't say for certain whether it can be uploaded without seeing it though, but if you send it using that I can have a look.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

oh Maiko, you idiot.

But I do hope for polygamy ending, yes. Would work out well for everyone. The sex would be awkward tho, what with one third being under the bed.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

AY. What does the site think in regards to Tutors and this tag? Generally they're tagged with this tag, although they're technically different things. Would you want tutors being added as a alias to the tag, or would you prefer a separate tag for it. There's a few stories involving tutors specifically, but I don't wanna go making the tag if people would prefer it as part of this. Thoughts pls

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 21 May 17:35
joined Oct 12, 2010

Nah, theres been others. Here's one from this week

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

this was a nice blast from the past, but in a mass upload of old curryuku arts, all credited to curry, there is a random extra NOT by curry? lol. I mean, curry is awesome too but I love tobeneep too much not to mention them as well???

the original image (it's the second extra here, pg31)

(please look at the rest of their stuff, they haven't updated in years but they were one of my fav artists back in the day!)

Oops, sorry. Was included in the IMGur folder I downloaded it from. Removed it for now, will upload seperately later.

drpepperfan Admin
Citrus discussion 20 May 21:16
joined Oct 12, 2010

If we're getting the okay from Dynasty, we're going to upload our Citrus translations (Japanese to English, on HQ raws) here. I don't see the issue, personally, unless there's a hierarchy of some sorts.

Chapter 20 is ready to go. 21 is in the works, but our translator and editor are pretty fast.

Ehhh, it's kind of a odd time for it. It looks like YP just got someone willing to work on it but... I think it'd probably be OK?

drpepperfan Admin
drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 20 May 00:19
joined Oct 12, 2010

I think the artist just has a type lol

drpepperfan Admin
Time skip discussion 20 May 00:16
joined Oct 12, 2010

Essentially, yeah. Like MrE said, the difference is that Time Skip was not, for the most part it seems, useful to anyone as either a content advertisement/recommendation (oh this has Time Skip? ive gotta read it) or a description to help find it.

I think it's also worth mentioning that one release you thought was deserving of the tag was due to this one panel at the end . It kind of summed up the whole problem of the tag really: that it can be tagged to a huge number of things, but with seemingly no value. It'd be like making a Pony Tail tag for releases in which people have ponytails.

drpepperfan Admin
Time skip discussion 19 May 22:03
joined Oct 12, 2010

Well the big difference with those are that they're mostly just dumb joke tags, only on one release and little else. Whereas the Time skip was a more serious tag, one whose use was a lot more general and could be tagged on a huge number of things, while also being for most users it seems, pretty much useless. Nothing else is gonna get tagged or requested to be tagged Hugh Jackman. But a ton of other things can be tagged "Time Skip", regardless of how prominent it was.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Either works. As long as you provide a link to them and the artist name/s, it should be fine.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

More of a question instead of a suggestion, but didn't we use to have a "time skip" tag? I really liked stories with some kind of a future for parings, but I can't find them anymore - or I'm just blind...

:/ It was deleted. I asked the site what they felt should be tagged with it, and whether or not it should stay, and the general consensus seemed to be that it was a pretty useless tag. I did wait quite a while before finally deleting it but...there it is.

joined Oct 12, 2010

The contrast between the title and the actual book is pretty fucked up.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Never watched or played the game but I love these two. Natsuki is hot.

Drpepperfan, may I ask where your avatar is from? There's no PM so I've been trying to catch you.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

i don't get why natsuki left her in the first place.

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 17 May 07:19
joined Oct 12, 2010

Hmm, you're right. Please don't skip on the artist tag in the future Lazy Lily uploader. I'll try and fix the old ones for now.

drpepperfan Admin
Time skip discussion 16 May 05:18
joined Oct 12, 2010

OK, It's been a while, so one last call before I start planning a deletion of the tag: Is there anyone who would like this to stay, and why? Lemme know please.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Magic strap-on on page 25, weird

Classic bait and switch.

I think there's text that comes with it, and that it explains she imagine'd it. But i'm not sure.