I wonder if that's Alzheimer or something else, that aside it's pretty good
Naw, I feel like if it was Alzheimer’s, she’d be much more confused. I’m no expert, though.
I agree with the end card.
^Plot twist: Moira is Tracer and Emily’s daughter from the future!
Magical girls are so gay.
It’s that “mad” bit I’m worried about.
I’m just worried about Moira’s arm. That can’t be healthy... 0^0
Cardin did some good after all. :3
^If there’s not, I can write one for you.
I wanna rub my cheek against her abs, but I’m afraid that Kanan might get mad...
If this keeps up, I’m gonna need to have Yamaha Ako pay for my funeral.
Another flower blooms in the Lily Garden. Even if it is a bit dopey....
Christ, that rabbit chick was creepy. Good manga, though. Valkyrie Drive is an interesting concept. :3
Your puny Cthulhu is naught but a pest, clinging to a stem in the glorious Lily Garden! Repent, and your vacuous minds shal be filled with Yuri!!
O-oh my goodness. How did I miss this magnificent piece of art?
I’m sorry! I’m sorry!! I want to enjoy this, I really do, but I’m too much of a crybaby bitch! I wanna see a cute White Rose family! I’m sorry! ;^;
My diseases are cured! My sins absolved! Glory be to the Lily Garden!
This needs to be a series.
Gaaahhh!! The colors! The cuteness! I’m blind! I’m blind!!
Ohh, cool. I haven’t really heard about this Kirby game. Is it a new release?
^Yes, yes! And a pair of sandals, and a tropically-themed handbag, and a cute bikini underneath... I think I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
Bless this artist. <3
Get eaten, little bunny-san! <3
I wish I knew what this was from...
Gay swimsuits are the best thing ever.
Change my mind.
Gordon Ramsey is pleased.