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Image Comments 09 May 23:52
joined Sep 9, 2016

Why is it always polyamory with Hanayo? I need more Hanayo x Rin! :'(

Image Comments 09 May 23:38
joined Sep 9, 2016

Oh my, so lewd! ♡

Kase-san discussion 08 May 06:18
joined Sep 9, 2016

Well since 4Chan for some odd reason is currently giving me a "Connection Error." when I try to post in the Kase-san thread
I'll just go ahead and post it here since I want to get this finished now that the editing is done.

Here's the first chapter of "Yamada and Kase-san" in english.!X00FmL5b!_M17wfH3hzSHN8fypJY1DQ

I'd greatly appreciate if people would look over it for typesetting and editing errors.

Oh, and if anyone with japanese translation skills could tell me if "Tokyo Athletics College" on p10 is a fitting translation of "日京体育大学" or not, that'd be a great help too.

I'll submit it for uploading here once i feel it's finished.

Was pretty good, but "woman's college" should be "women's college". Keep up the good work! :)

Kase-san discussion 07 May 10:43
joined Sep 9, 2016

The animation clip is released!

That was beautiful! Hoping for the anime adaptation!

Anime season 04 May 13:45
joined Sep 9, 2016

Let's get back to our usual friendly topic. How was this week's Sakura Quest?

It was good, but smelled a bit like there might be het in the future.

I like the Oden Decective. I think it's funny that she's had a ton of different jobs!

Anime season 04 May 12:19
joined Sep 9, 2016

Ah, like using "xd" unironically in the last decade or so. I understand your logic better now.

I use xd unironically... then again, I never had any credibility to begin with.

(In my defence, I never say it out loud.)

I know I said not to derail the topic, but I had to get that off my proverbial chest.

Anime season 04 May 12:05
joined Sep 9, 2016

You sounded (looked?) like it, since you weren't mentioned once but still decided to leave your opinion (which you're free to, ofc) on my sadly forum influenced terms that are harmless unless you purposely choose to apply them to yourself, which seemed like your thing with that post. It just means person into yuri. You probably know it already but okay.

If I were offended, then I would say so, I would think. "Yurifag" is just one those words like "bae" or "fam" that destroy the credibility of every person using them. And yes, I know that is just my opinion, not a fact.

Which incidentally brings us back to the topic at hand! Your opinions on what is yuri and what is not is just that, your opinion. I disagree with your views, and your hostile attitude, but you are entitled to them!

Except the word fag.

I would tell a fag joke if I knew any.

My great-grandmother would have disowned us.

Sorry, I'm confused. I know it's a joke, but I just don't see the relevance. English is not my native language, so I might miss on some of the nuances.

Hence the kid calling? Just have fun.

"*Kids these days*" is a joke (or are they called memes now?) from back-in-the-day. It wasn't targeted at you. Gosh, I really am old, aren't I?

Let's not derail the topic anymore than it already has, and just agree to disagree. Is this alright with everyone?

last edited at May 4, 2017 12:05PM

Anime season 04 May 11:37
joined Sep 9, 2016

I know right? I cry at night knowing someone on the other side of the planet who never referred to me said a word I personally don't approve of. I respect you not liking it, it's not nice and all. But I can't help but to think you'd get offended at everything like it's your hobby, as well as calling every person who uses a "bad word ;___;" a "kid". Hey, grow up.

When did I say I was offended? I said I couldn't take you seriously. It's not the same thing. "yurifag" is a silly word that doesn't even mean anything.

And no, I don't usually get offended. I'm one of the most non-PC people I know. I joke about anything!

PS: I don't want to grow up! I'm way too old already. :(

last edited at May 4, 2017 11:38AM

Anime season 04 May 11:07
joined Sep 9, 2016


I'm sorry, I can't take seriously anyone who uses words like "something-fag". Kids these days have no manners.

But if I had to take you seriously, then I'd have to disagree with you.

Nyaa is gone 02 May 07:37
joined Sep 9, 2016

Is there an alternative to nyaa?

You can use Magnet links for the HorribleSubs releases. There's probably a few alternative torrent sites too.
Or we could be responsible adults and get Crunchyroll subscriptions, but let's not get ahead of ourselves

I have a Crunchyroll subscription, but some shows, like Love Live Sunshine and ID-0, aren't licensed in my country...

Nyaa is gone 02 May 02:26
joined Sep 9, 2016

So what am I supposed to do now? :(

joined Sep 9, 2016

So has anyone read the latest chapter (93) yet? Any thoughts?

It does not look good for our dear Ymir. Hopefully she'll have survived somehow...

joined Sep 9, 2016

I love Kushitori-senpai. xD

Kanchou's a nasty thing, isn't it? Takes a special kid to even come up with that.

Anime season 30 Apr 11:24
joined Sep 9, 2016

I thought of Izetta too when I saw them xD Supposedly there was a live event recently (for Izetta) and the seiyuus ramped up the yuri.

Oh man, I would love to see that!

Anime season 30 Apr 02:02
joined Sep 9, 2016

I love how the yumikuri moment/s in episode 5 is almost being completely overshadowed by the confirmation(?) that ymir is now dead in the manga. They seem to have released the chapter and this episode at the same time and it almost feels intentional and I want to believe it is.

Not dead until we see her die. I'm sure we'll see her again.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Eli x Umi ship shall forever prevail.

That's a weird way to spell Eli x Nozomi. xD

Anime season 29 Apr 00:24
joined Sep 9, 2016

ID-0 it's very entertaining, but waiting for subs is such a cruel fate... The CGI is done very well too.
We're getting action in the next episode but I want an episode like what we see in the ending..

I can see a placeholder page for it in Netflix, but still no episodes. Have to wait for subs like a peasant.

You mean the scene where Maya and Clair are on the bed with the girl? I'm waiting for that scene.

framerates sucks.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Hinako Note was quite gay this week. And is that teacher really just 9 years old? Her boobs are huge!

Anime season 27 Apr 14:30
joined Sep 9, 2016

ID-0 it's very entertaining, but waiting for subs is such a cruel fate... The CGI is done very well too.
We're getting action in the next episode but I want an episode like what we see in the ending..

I can see a placeholder page for it in Netflix, but still no episodes. Have to wait for subs like a peasant.

You mean the scene where Maya and Clair are on the bed with the girl? I'm waiting for that scene.

Anime season 26 Apr 13:58
joined Sep 9, 2016

ID-0: I reeeally ship Maya and Clair. That moment when Clair protected Maya with her body was sweet. And the mysterious girl feels like their science baby!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Morinaga Milk? Yasss!

Kase-san discussion 26 Apr 06:27
joined Sep 9, 2016

Okay,so remember how we were getting mixed messages about whether Kase-san was continuing or had reached its final chapter?
Turns out they're both right in the most delightful way, as they've just announced "Yamada to Kase-san" (that's a proper series title and not just a chapter name) will be launching on Friday!

So yeah, you can now officially mark this specific series as Complete and look forward to when we get to scanlating this college life sequel!

Holy boobs! That's great news! :)

Image Comments 23 Apr 23:06
joined Sep 9, 2016

Yeah, me neither, but that's a futomaki, so eating one isn't that weird.

This is one of the best Senran Kagura ships!

Anime season 22 Apr 12:42
joined Sep 9, 2016

Looks like next week is a Christa x Ymir episode. About time! Having read the manga, I sadly know there aren't gonna be much more of those, though.

joined Sep 9, 2016

I really like this manga. Hoping for romance, but I can live with the current state of affairs.