My bets are on canada dry.
The twist absolutely floored me, holy shit!! Jin bringing her talent to more NSFW themed content like this one and Graphite.....damn, I'm absolutely loving it.
Also vouching for incest to be added.
last edited at Jun 30, 2018 12:08PM
Wow this confirms I can live off shunintas smut doujins
Yea, as a sustenance source they're pretty damn filling.
I loved this a lot. Including that amazing credits page.
last edited at Jun 29, 2018 9:46PM
Love how they're so honest about how they love holding hands, so cute!!
On a Hachiko marathon! All of their content is so damn good..
I love, love the pure joy on their faces. Cute as hell!!
Huh, never really felt that they were similar. Love both of them, though.
A Touhou school life AU? Never knew I needed this, and I love it!!
Aw, this is so cute...
@Vanko oh shit, that sounds amazing. We need more of this!!
Adore this artist's soft and cute!!
"Cthulhu-kun"made me laugh so much, this is great
I'm SO!! Excited for this! Really solid first chapter- cute characters and adult life! yuri!!
So cute.....fluffy drunk content is pretty much always good.
Good! Image!! Set!!!
This artist's style is underrated. i very much like this style.
Was just going to comment this- I love their style too!
Comfy and feels domestic, love it!
C u t e......more diachika, yes please.
Even gravity is on their side! Also, Sayo's hand on Hina's shoulder is a small but adorable detail.
last edited at Jun 25, 2018 12:50PM
This is almost /painfully/ cute, these two are so good together..
last edited at Jun 25, 2018 12:48PM
So cute <33
Looks really comfortable and soft, aww
This is so so cute..I fifth a series about this, please!!!
@themusicman @barrybull I like how you think.
last edited at Jun 25, 2018 11:39AM