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joined Jun 4, 2015

Always love hinaxsaya but its the best when Mikanuji does it.

Image Comments 22 Feb 03:17
joined Jun 4, 2015

She's to much of a shut in to exercise

joined Jun 4, 2015

Never have been to able to remember this one, the most i can remember is the mc is trying to be more feminine i believe. that part could actually be wrong lol but the scene i always remember is that there is a dance and she uses her skill in martial arts to make an impressive display. It's ridiculously vague to be fair.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Love it, best pair imo XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

Get yourself a job that lets you afford a Switch with one day's work.

It didn't though? They all pitched in together to get her one for the remainder.

I"m glad they put a positive spin on it, though she only worked 2 hours, a full shift and sh'e probably not make it to be honest.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Best wedding ever

joined Jun 4, 2015

An interesting find, cute but am sure this will find itself with the same scrutiny as itou’s works.

New Game discussion 08 Feb 00:58
joined Jun 4, 2015

don't know what to feel about this one

joined Jun 4, 2015

When hiring for the restaurant i was in charge of, 9/10 times the kids didn't have a resume. It's a starting job with almost no experience needed. First job, college cash, spending money, i was more surprised when they did bring one. I assumed it was part of the normal gag, she thought she was a customer based on how she was dressed.

From the manager though, for a quick interview you don't really need a resume, you're looking for quick answers that might pertain to what you're looking for. Availability, transportation, past experience. takes 5 minutes max to see if you want them to come back for a more detailed interview. you'd bring resume then.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Not exactly what I had imagined for a mecha tag

Citrus + discussion 31 Jan 23:19
joined Jun 4, 2015

So weirdly wholesome

joined Jun 4, 2015

I never said he couldn't complain. Just that he shouldn't complain if he hasn't even read the chapter. But if defending someone who stops by to whine about a chapter he hasn't even read is the hill you wanna die on, then go for it, champ.

As long as they're not being overtly belligerent (i.e. - calling people reading a lolicon manga pedophiles) or using bannable slurs, they're welcome to say whatever the hell they want. I might not exactly agree with commenting on a chapter that they didn't read entirely (they obviously DID read some of it, but skipped the rest), but I will defend their right to comment what they feel as long as they're not breaking any rules. That's how forums work.

I’m sure everyone will sleep better at night knowing you’re defending people’s rights.

Yuru Oyako discussion 29 Jan 22:53
joined Jun 4, 2015

Maby even Kodama and Taiyaki, then the parents could even still be together for twice the fun. Everyone could even have huge... personalities

Yuru Oyako discussion 29 Jan 15:38
joined Jun 4, 2015

This is the best, almost missed it in the sea of new demon castle chapters. She's been planning this since she was born. some good patience right there.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Whew someone's thirsty. It's going to be hilarious if they ended up creating a bigger carnivore than themselves.

reversal tag hopeful

New Game discussion 26 Jan 22:54
joined Jun 4, 2015

Sooo bath scene coming next chapter? XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

I liked the original premise better to be honest, though i'll surely read this as well.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Number one mom as always

1 x ½ discussion 25 Jan 01:27
joined Jun 4, 2015

I think it's more than that she couldn't handle it. It was more forced than natural, and it freaked Asuka out, then Ayako snaps out of the daze she's in.

joined Jun 4, 2015

At the beginning I had always thought Reiichi was a nickname Kaoru gave him rather than his actual name.

Without Uta or even kuro’s side story, it’s like bleh I don’t honestly care about your could be cheating drama.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Damn, Many new chapters but doesn't feel like a lot happened. Some good fluff which is never bad but some Yuki Aya progression would be great too

MOON RIVER discussion 17 Jan 02:45
joined Jun 4, 2015

Love the art, especially Tenshi and Flan.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Sarara looks to be in Judas spot? Hmmmm perhaps foreshadowing...

Also that looks like a hand coming out of her mouth as she finishes her crepe

joined Jun 4, 2015

Didn't think she'd be so honest and straightforward at the end of the chapter

joined Jun 4, 2015

Even though it's not fair to her, every time Mimi is called there's a good chance more kids won't die. I don't think she realizes it, Shiina does though.