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Yurucamp discussion 10 Feb 13:32
joined Jan 6, 2015

The anime is definitely shipping them harder. Rin's giving Nadeshiko some very tender looks, and the part where she shyly tries to wake Nadeshiko after the sunrise viewing wasn't in the manga at all.

Image Comments 09 Feb 16:07
joined Jan 6, 2015

Definitely check out some more of this artist's stuff, there's some gorgeous pics of Touhous with their costumes reimagined in traditional Mexican styles.

Image Comments 05 Feb 10:52
joined Jan 6, 2015

Wow, beautiful lines and shading <3

joined Jan 6, 2015

Yyeeeeah..I think I'll start skimming the next few chapters before reading them and completely skip any time this new character shows up.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I liked the gropey sitting position they started out in. You see that a lot in het stuff, but it feels rare in yuri.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Warning: sparkle bomb on page 18.

Image Comments 24 Jan 02:12
joined Jan 6, 2015


joined Jan 6, 2015

So nice <3
I like seeing the other girls too. This game has so many nice ladies who don't get enough yuri attention.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I'm a little disappointed that the song with Konju was just the ending theme, but it was a really nice episode.
It's kind of weird too how they're rearranging the various chapters. So far we have:
Ep 1: Ch. 1, Ch. 6
Ep 2: Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 23
I'm guessing the next ep will probably have 4, 5, and maybe 7. Get their new house and introduce Iwashi.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I always love when Yuuka shows up as a scary-but-teasing big sis type.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I love these non-judgemental old ladies.

Aria's Egg discussion 14 Jan 13:41
joined Jan 6, 2015

I love everything about this, but I especially like the little detail with her not having a navel. It makes me wonder if adult birdwomen in her world have breasts (seriously). Do the adults lay eggs big enough to allow for enough yolk so they don't need to nurse? Or maybe since they're humanoid and apparently have hair they have other mammalian features. That would allow for a smaller egg and shorter development time inside the egg..
..and now I've thought way too much about this. They sure are cute though.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I adore the Behind the Shrine Trio (feat. Clowpy)

joined Jan 6, 2015

Hakumei looks adorable with her hair tied back <3

Anime season 12 Jan 17:48
joined Jan 6, 2015

I don't think I'm gonna bother with the manga. I loved the anime, but I don't think my heart could handle more than that.

Anyway, ep 1 of Hakumei & Mikochi was everything I hoped for. I'm a tiny bit disappointed that the Walking Underfoot section was just stuck into the credits instead of being a voiced after-credits scene, but the rest was sooo good <3

Image Comments 11 Jan 17:27
joined Jan 6, 2015

Visually, Tewi's pushing close to loli. In-universe, Udonge is the youngest there by..what, centuries? It makes situations like this pretty interesting.

Image Comments 10 Jan 01:53
joined Jan 6, 2015

I like how one of her distraction bubbles is just Akko's little ponytail.

Anime season 10 Jan 01:50
joined Jan 6, 2015

I just binge watched Girls Last Tour without really knowing what I was in for.
I think I'm broken now.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Human friend is clever and uses the opportunity to become intimate with her partner. Such a resourceful friend!

joined Jan 6, 2015

I love boss girl's hairstyle so much <3

Image Comments 06 Jan 01:01
joined Jan 6, 2015

It's a weird little fetish, but I can see the appeal.

Ayakashiko discussion 03 Jan 14:40
joined Jan 6, 2015

Looks like little sister was mentioned way back in chapter 13.

joined Jan 6, 2015

And yeah, Lillie here is fairly accurate to the game. Well, the first ones at least. The Ultra versions change stuff up so much it's hard to say. I quit playing when I got to a certain area and an important scene was entirely replaced.

If you quit because of that change, could you elaborate in a spoiler?

It's the scene on Exeggutor Island, in the rain. A really touching scene between your character and Lillie. In Ultra Lillie doesn't even go to the island with you. I was a bit annoyed by some other story changes, mostly Lusamine being altered to make her a bit less of a crazy abusive mom and more like she's just obsessed with saving pokemon from the story's big-bad, but that was the bit that finally turned me away.
For what it's worth, I really liked a lot of the gameplay changes in Ultra, particularly all of the new interactions with random NPC trainers. Add that to the story from the originals and I'd be a happy nerd.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Ohmygawd Rowlett wearing the chicken hat <3
And yeah, Lillie here is fairly accurate to the game. Well, the first ones at least. The Ultra versions change stuff up so much it's hard to say. I quit playing when I got to a certain area and an important scene was entirely replaced.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I hadn't read this in a loooong time and decided to start from the beginning instead of trying to figure out where I left off. I remember being annoyed at all the side couples (and a trio) taking focus off of the main characters, but now I'm happy for all the various stories. I really enjoy the bit of variety each story brings in between the main knuckleheads slowly making progress.

And I kinda want to see more of the triangle group. I usually don't like that kind of thing, but something about this one really caught me.