TW//Sexual abuse, pretty personal shit, click at own risk, had to get it out after reading those last chapters. I can relate a bit to these new chapters, I got introduced into porn and adult content when I was very young, as a literal child, and not really at my will, it wasn't something i stumbled upon, it was something that a "friend" sat me down and made me watch, I developed some really warped sense of sexuality and romance, that sexual advances were normal and things that just occurred between friends, that lead to me being taken advantage off quite a couple of times. Back then i trusted in people way too much, i now don't, have a lot of trust issues and trauma from all of that, reading an experience that slightly resembles mine made me kinda happy, as weird as that sounds, not that I wish that on other people, but that it's comforting and makes me feel seen. (wow that really does sound weird, sorry if it was a bit hard to read, I left out some really really personal stuff out since I don't feel ok with sharing that much)