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joined Dec 13, 2020

Elaborate please

Yuri Wall or in Japanese Yuri Kabe is a manga by SetaSeta.

It's not on Dynasty Reader. You can find it on Manga Club and maybe other manga sites.

joined Dec 13, 2020

I never clicked on a new release so fast as I clicked on this one.

I just couldn't wait to read the continuation of the story after last chapter's cliffhanger.

And this is what we get? Flashforward to after the crisis is over? Elsa with a random bandage and Evie feeling guilty?

No way the novel progressed this way. We got screwed by the manhua. :/

joined Dec 13, 2020

More like the sudden coincidence, I'm baffled about the idea of your building saying "get out lol, effectively immediately" how is that legal?

Oh you. Don't you get it? The building is playing wingman! Totally a yuri otaku.
Watanabe from this series gives that building two thumbs up!

The building is a yuri otaku?
Great, now I'm having flashbacks of this:

joined Dec 13, 2020

Heavensrun, you deserve cheers, felicitations, compliments, prizes and commendations for writing the damnedest best post ever seen in this thread. Awesome work! Everything about Youzi's mom and Ren is made crystal clear.

As for the other characters, I wonder what's the relationship between President Chen and auntie Chen. At first I thought it was a coincidence that they had the same last name, but then auntie Chen said it's HER show where Ren is going to appear because of President Chen's invitation. That can't just be a fluke.

joined Dec 13, 2020

No morning nookie? I'm a sad disappointed kitty. :(

joined Dec 13, 2020

TIL a "cotton anniversary" means a second anniversary for married couples, because the traditional gift is cotton. Thus the "cotton wedding" invitation to celebrate the second volume, probably.

Oh so that's how it is, I have been wondering about that. Thx for the explanation! Now all I need is someone to explain what is an 'encyclopaedia crustula.'

joined Dec 13, 2020

I'm confused.
Are these two supposta be dating? Are they a couple or not?
Or rather let me rephrase that: how are we to know whether they are a yuri couple or just best pals since they left high school? I think I missed the clues. Which pages or panels point to the answer?

joined Dec 13, 2020

Well, not everyone reading the stuff on the site is an adult with a fully developed brain, a veteran forum member, or a literature major.

I've met a lot of rude people in these forums in the past—but I think this is the first time some guy has the cheek to say that anyone who likes the stuff he doesn't like is obviously not "an adult with a fully developed brain".

joined Dec 13, 2020

I wonder if it's autobiographicaI?

Are you seriously asking if this is a faithful account of Tamamusi's life in college? lmao

I see people are picking their favorites. For me it would be the former idol or the kiss demon, though I'm ok with the sensei after this last chapter. The manly-looking girl has not really been developed in the chapters we have so far; I don't think much of her for now.

The roommate (who seems to have lots of fans) is by far the bottom of my list and honestly I have a feeling I wouldn't want her even if she was the only girl available. I'm not sure if I'm recalling it right, but—didn't she throw Mei's clothes with the garbage (clothes that were likely her best clothes, probably even newly bought since it was her first college day and she wanted to impress) on the pretext that she didn't like their smell?

Liberta discussion 15 Apr 10:42
joined Dec 13, 2020


joined Dec 13, 2020

But this time I'm stumped. What could Sena possibly want to talk about?


Don't tell me she's going to say "You extorted money from my bae! Bitch Ima kill you!!"

That would be great. Because consequences. The scumbag has been getting away with everything so far, shit just slides off her. Karmic retribution, hello? Ever heard of that? Her bad actions should have consequences.

Maybe you should stop reading fiction with realistic figuration of characters.
Maybe you should stick to religious tracts and books of pious sermons.

joined Dec 13, 2020

God, it's just jumpscare after jumpscare with this chapter. But it was effective, I had to go turn on every light in my house.

Page 80 is scary alright, but if you ask me, it isn't nearly as scary as realizing that in every single chapter so far there's the ghost of a strange woman with a wound on her face who is spying on the two mcs from behind a window or a door or even over the shoulder of one of them... AND I DIDN'T REALIZE IT AT ALL until I read this thread and other commenters told me where to look!

joined Dec 13, 2020

Why the yuri tag tho? They seem to be very good friends

Not every yuri story has explicit sex, you know.
For the longest time, in manga of every genre, swearing that you will stay forever at somebody's side counts as a declaration of love.

joined Dec 13, 2020

With this, a new book starts, right? Yay!
Having read both, I still am firmly on the side that the manga is better than the novels.

joined Dec 13, 2020

Gemini let her win once dammit

joined Dec 13, 2020

... she only made "sempai feel good" with 4 hands and 2 tongues.

Ah... in other words... a 3some

You're being rude to mutants

When you least expect it, discrimination rears its ugly head.

last edited at Mar 23, 2022 6:58PM

joined Dec 13, 2020

That, and also she does have a reason to lie: to mess with Kashiwai Mizuki.

It's been made plain and obvious since they started interacting that Tsuzuki loves to mess with Mizuki's mind.

"Yes, yes, it's just what you think: skank, maneater, homewrecker, that's all me! Now bring your fiancé to me so I can do my thing on him, huhu!" That was glorious. XD Kashiwai was holding up okay until that one did her in.

joined Dec 13, 2020

I wouldn't put Chen and Ren at the same level here. Ren is just a friend that Youzi ships with her mom but Chen actually seems really close with the mom.

Oh boy do I have news for you in the next chapter ;)

What? What??? Don't tell me Mom x Ren turns out to be a thing!?

joined Dec 13, 2020

Huh, I didn't expect skipping forward to Matoi actually having moved to Tokyo.

annoying guy why are you here

Time-tested way to stir conflict and make the plot advance.

joined Dec 13, 2020

Also hyena girls are cute

I used to think so until they explained in Interspecies Reviewers about the reproductive processes of hyenas. Yikes!

joined Dec 13, 2020

Thanks Yuriwhale, our benefactor!

joined Dec 13, 2020

I see, it's finally made its way here! somehow the finger protection is really hot, idk why. it's like, when it's on, you can't avoid seeing the hands as something for sex.

also that author's note is so precious. It's the best.

You would be surprised with how much bacteries a hand can and has... One of the main reasons you need to wash your body carefully before and after seggs... Oh yeah and there is the oripathy thing, but thats just a detail, anyway the hand is a multifunctional tool 7w7

Brings to the mind this one manga (I don't remember the title rn but it's by the same author of Between Philia and Eros) where one girl takes the mc to the school gym's locker room for a quickie fuck and the mc panics and starts making half-assed excuses but the other girl has come prepared for everything!
One of the excuses was that hands are dirty and full of bacteries. To which the answer was: Disinfectant Hand Wipes!

last edited at Mar 16, 2022 1:25PM

joined Dec 13, 2020

"That place is dirty!"

The trademarked cry of distress of a zillion Japanese girls when about to receive Cunny L.

Lol at Cunny L.
Reminds me of how Sigmund Freud's official rapper's name is Siggy F.
Siggy F who wins all the 'your momma' contests. 7w7

last edited at Mar 16, 2022 5:57PM

joined Dec 13, 2020

Fucking hell lmao where did this Tong Tong mom slander come from.

I was wondering the same thing.

Are you an incel or something cause this sure sounds like incel talk lmfao

Aah this might be the answer to my aforementioned dubiety.

joined Dec 13, 2020

I'm like Ivanhoe championing Rebecca in her trial for witchcraft. I suddenly feel so cool.

I was about to write "hah hah, what an exaggeration" when I recalled all the things peepz have been commenting about mc, before and after last chapter. Then I realized the analogy is good. Too many commenters in Dynasty take any fault or wrong by a fictional character as a excuse to put them through a honking trial for witchcraft, medieval way.