so, she still want to go back to "normal world"?
i dont get it
poor lily
As she's previously established, she wants to go back to the other world so she can settle things with the one she was dating there, but will try her darnest to come back to give Lily an answer.
BITCH... I have not waited 75 years for this chapter to only have some sniffing. Author-san I’m tired of the games, I require a proper harvest of crops to feed my hunger
why are we still here? just to suffer?
dammit author-san :c
today I was playing bandori (NEO ASPECT BOIII) when i see a player named "read AdaShima (LN)" in a multlive, dunno if you will ever read me but, YEA LETS MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD READ THIS MASTERPIECE FAM
This marks the end of volume one. Thanks for all the feedback. As for volume two, I've already started working on it. It seems to be paced a little differently (8 chapters instead of 5), so the update schedule might end up slightly different. We'll see.
I really enjoy read this novel, Arigathanks for your work (≧∇≦)/