From the looks of it Ruby has become the man of the relationship
Holy hell I almost forgot how cute You is with glasses on fffff
I need moRE OF THIS
Deep down I knew Hanamaru would be the best top
holy aiweojf this is gorgeous
about time for some more yohamari to come in
p u r e
What is this exactly?
w h a t a p a i n
The inner lesbian has been activated
I love this aiwoefoajifj
Everyone is here!
Oh Jesus that was s o m e t h i n g
let's fight
an excellent choice
As soon as I read that title I knew deep in my heart that this was going to be quite the read and I wasn't disappointed
I feel the heat
My favorite ship and otp out of all the ships in LLS ajfoeijoajf
the ending left me questioning everything
dia found her brand new ringtone
war has been declared
Their smiles are so beautiful dear lord
i feel the heat
happy birthday to the beautiful riko
chika protecting riko on a whole different level