Personally, I’m not a freezer burn guy, but some variety is nice once in a while.
Something this beautiful can’t possibly be spam. Let’s call it... the “Bubbline bulk appreciation pack.”
Cute x 100
I wasn’t really expecting this kind of thing from chorimokki, but now that it’s here I kinda don’t mind.
That’s some, ahhh... impressive tongue detail there.
W-want some?
That title page! I’m dying! I’m actually dying!
I bet kissing is a fun time with a mouth like that. :3
last edited at Sep 4, 2018 12:55PM
Wholesome porn comments
Never thought I’d see those two words in the same sentence.
I come here for fluff and good feels, not sadness! :’<
Oo~h, shit just got real! ;3
This had better end well. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning and find a dead lily in my garden.
Kaban and Serval sittin’ in a tree...<3
Gotta love those oversized sleeves.
Tactical censorship hat!
I always feel hungry whenever the food comes up.
I’m thinkin’ Artoria’s the one to watch out for.
^’Cause you gotta have your hands free to snuggle. :3
Moonexplorers’ art style really sells cuddly stuff like this. I really wish we had more of their White Eose high school AU stuff here.
I have a nep plushie too. Bought it at AX last month. :3
last edited at Aug 27, 2018 12:08AM
Kneel! Kneel, you heathans!
This one time, at band camp...
Nyan-Nyan-ing? what? Paya-paya
Nyan-Nyan-ing? what?
They were getting all ecchi-sketchy.
^I’m sure Weiss just had a hard time coping with the unfiltered Ruby-ness and she’s gone off to relieve herself.
Number of orgasms, perhaps?
Or the number of punishable misdemeanors. ;3