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joined Aug 6, 2015

Pls tsundere girl win i beg you godoka pls

Yes I want Tsundere girl to win too (>///<)
Children friends must win!

I generally hate the childhood friends trope. I don't understand why that would imply that 2 people would make good romantic partners. It frustrates me that so many series utilize it (even if childhood friends don't typically win), and I often default to the stance of rooting against them when they come up in these harem stories.

Here, however, I'm inclined to give the trope a pass. The fact that the MC doesn't remember the childhood friend hardly at all is, although not unique, still refreshing in its own way. It gives the potential pairing some of the freshness of two people meeting for the first time while still allowing for some preexisting connection between the two.

It's just a shame she's also a tsundere, which is yet another overdone, justifiably hated trope itself. Still, it's better than pseudo-mysterious, semi-emotionless characters when done incorrectly, which this story absolutely does incorrectly... Shame.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Disregarding romance entirely, why does the MC want to move out at all? I get that staying there isn't her original plan, but if it were me, suddenly reconnecting with a friend after a long while would give incentive to stay. Half the point in living in a dorm is to socialize with other people, and with a friend being there too, half the work is already done for her. The MC is too hung up on her original plan to realize that other, more viable options exist.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Quite clear who the love triangles "winner" is gonna be. Shit character archetype.

To be honest, both love interests are pretty shit. Tsundere vs pseudo-mysterious, semi-emotionless girl. Yeah, these have never been done before. :P

Let's hope there's a twist and the MC ends up with the drunkard for the lulz.

joined Aug 6, 2015 First panel.

Oh hey. A main character who identifies a potential love interest as being tsundere rather than taking her words at face value right off the bat. We don't have to wait 100 chapters for this revelation.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Well... this series is about to get tedious and go nowhere until this BS is resolved.

#1 way to ruin a romance story: Add a superfluous love triangle when the characters aren't nearly developed enough for it to mean anything but added tedium. What's that? Two of the characters are childhood/existing friends? Surely this will add relevant drama to the triangle and make it worth the reader's time!

No. It won't.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Shapter shive shish shore shove thish nonshensh. I shan't read thish mush

joined Aug 6, 2015

The idea at the end where Naka is the one to fall for someone is really interesting. It'd be nice to see something done with that where she struggles and fails to keep herself as "everyone's idol."

joined Aug 6, 2015

Whelp... everyone should just peace out and start fresh with other people both in regards to friends and romantic interests. Fujiwara isn't a good long-term influence on Takeda, and he's a physically abusive jerk to Hotaru. Hotaru is emotionally abusive and manipulative towards Yuma. Yuma is everywhere but here, and is now a liar towards Takeda. And finally Takeda's lack of confidence and assertiveness is starting to irk me. It's obvious he doesn't only care about sex considering how hard this is emotionally hitting him, but even being the only admirable character in this story means nothing if you ultimately do nothing in it.

Everyone's shit and no one deserves the other.

last edited at Sep 26, 2015 2:29AM

joined Aug 6, 2015

I wish there were more to this one. The idea of a pairing where one person enjoys the feeling of being in love but the other despises the feeling of being in a supposed one-sided love would be an interesting idea to explore in a series rather than a oneshot. This just leaves me wanting, and not in a good way.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Chapter 4 is the best so far, but the little sister's speech pattern got old real fast.

joined Aug 6, 2015

We better see Himawari go on the offensive in chapter 9.

Yuru Yuri discussion 17 Sep 16:33
joined Aug 6, 2015

<3 Chapter 85.

SakuHima is best pairing.

Yuru Yuri discussion 15 Sep 02:30
joined Aug 6, 2015

Well... that's a... lot of Yuru Yuri you tossed up today. I can't say I remember what was going on in the series before today, so I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow. We'll start fresh at the beginning and see where the series takes us all over again.

All I really remember is that there was a double tsundere pairing, and... well... that's all I really need to get back back into this, now isn't it.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Maybe the volume 2 trio just jaded me too much. I might appreciate Mizuki and Moe more once we get an actual, multi-chapter arc for Yurine and Ayaka.

last edited at Sep 12, 2015 11:42AM

joined Aug 6, 2015

What do you mean "most of the time"? The only other side couple (?) story we got was Maya-Chiharu-Izumi in volume 2. That was the only part where the two MCs had no involvement. And this one isn't over yet − considering Ayaka and Yurine are both connected to the track team, I'd be surprised if they didn't have any role in it.

The "Mizuki cuts her hair" and the "Moe wants Yurine on the team" storylines for Mizuki and Moe did nothing for Ayaka and Yurine. Yurine stole a picture of Ayaka in the "Mizuki cuts her hair" chapter, but that's just Yurine being Yurine. Then Moe simply used Yurine as bait to get Mizuki to run faster in the recruitment arc. You could argue that we got Ayaka almost biting(?) Yurine as revenge, but the fact that Mizuki interrupted her did more harm than good for her tsundere character. It felt like things went backwards instead of forwards.

That's what I mean by "most of the time." Sure, this arc's not over, but Mizuki already told Ayaka that Yurine wouldn't be attending the track event. I don't imagine we'll get anything for them in the resolution of this arc either.

Then there's Maya-Chiharu-Izumi like you say. While I like Moe and Mizuki as a couple in general (just not in the sense that they do nothing for the main characters) and wouldn't mind it if they got their own spin-off series, I despise this trio (and the new trio with the middle schooler instead of the senpai) because they literally add nothing to the story. They are entirely disjointed from everyone except the occasional Yurine interaction. They just need to go away, regardless of how awesome the middle school girl was towards Ms. Brazen Brow.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I just figured it out. Why these side stories make me so mad.

It's not that any of them are bad. In fact they are all well done and could support their own series. But I was narratively promised a story about two girls and their story of love and competition, and every time one of these side stories if featured, it feels like the author is breaking that narrative promise.

I don't hate all of the side stories. The gardening club was a perfect example of how to write a side couple into a story about other characters. Their arc came with significant introspection from Yurine. They provided her with a refuge of normalcy, something she seems to have wanted from the start. It forced her to think at least somewhat of why she liked Ayaka and if she even did like her.

All that AND it came with a side couple arc? Yeah. That's okay. More of that if we need side couples. The side couples should serve as a lesson or development for the main couple as well as themselves. Most of the time they don't though, and that's why it's frustrating.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Well that resolved in a completely obvious way that everyone saw coming.

Part of the reason I dislike the Mizuki and Moe pairing (at least as a pairing that takes up so much of this particular manga) is that they're... established. They're too into each other. It's to the point when the author writes these conflicts for them in an attempt to make their dynamic more interesting, it always feels contrived and the conclusions seem so blatantly obvious.

This just fuels my opinion that it's dumb to waste time on this pairing that needs no development when there are other pairings that still need a significant amount of development. I'm glad that Mizuki and Moe are doing well, but I'd rather the story start focusing on other people at this point. One-off chapters for them are fine, but no more multi-chapter (or weird decimal point) arcs that they don't need.

I don't want these side stories to be an excuse to keep the tsundere main character in tsun status for longer than necessary.

joined Aug 6, 2015

It's only one chapter, but so far this is what I wanted Netsuzou Trap to be like. Have the seductive female character get the MC to question societal expectations rather than simply being touchy-feely and manipulative all the time.

My only complaint is that alcohol was involved before things got heated. That's going to hang in the air for the next three or five chapters before it gets let go.

joined Aug 6, 2015

By the way who the heck likes Takeda??? If your favourite character is Takeda you are clearly not a yuri fan.

Wow. That's super unreasonable. Just because I favor yuri doesn't mean that I demand yuri even when it's not in a character's best interest.

Then you've proven that poster right. Because, one more time, where is the lack of Girl x Boy manga? If you favor such an outcome over the very limited yuri that is available, then you are really not much of a fan. Nothing wrong with liking different things though. But don't poop in our manga please.

So, because I'm a yuri fan and I favor yuri above all else, I'm required to support every yuri pairing over a het pairing 100% of the time regardless of who the characters are or how horrible one might be to the other?

It sounds like that's what you're saying, and I'll repeat my stance. That's super unreasonable.

joined Aug 6, 2015

By the way who the heck likes Takeda??? If your favourite character is Takeda you are clearly not a yuri fan.

Wow. That's super unreasonable. Just because I favor yuri doesn't mean that I demand yuri even when it's not in a character's best interest.

I'd love to see yuma come to terms with her sexuality and find a good girl to be with. But when the only option presented by the story is Hotaru, well... then I'd rather she end up with a decent boy like Takeda than a manipulative girl like Hotaru.

But maybe Hotaru will change. There's still a lot of time left for drama and character development.

joined Aug 6, 2015

If only it weren't so obvious where this subplot was going...

Gokicha discussion 13 Aug 21:31
joined Aug 6, 2015

I thought it would be impossible for a series to be tagged both Creepy and Moe-up-the-but and still be accurate, but here we are. I was clearly wrong. This series was something, all right.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Poor Saeki, I want her to end up with Nanami, at least she has true feelings for her, not to mention she is her childhood friend. I feel like she's been left out...

I personally hope she's straight so we don't get some stereotypical triangle BS to go along with the stereotypical childhood friend trope.

Not to rain on your parade or anything, but there are just way too many yuri series that have one or both of those tropes.

joined Aug 6, 2015

It Was A Good Book

I feel like that should be a tag for this series from now on.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Cute. I feel like this premise has been done quite a bit before, though. Still, it should be good for a volume or two before I get bored of it.