Edit: Also, the title confuses me. Who's the rage of justice and who's the girl?
The Rage of Justice is a line from the original Gundam theme song, so I guess the girl is Chizu and the Rage of Justice is her boobs, since the Hyper Hammer was one of the original Gundam's weapons.
Oh ok, thank u. Kinda outed myself as a non-Gundam fan, huh? Oh well
The hyper hammer is on the obscure side of the arsenal to be fair, right next to the Super Napalm. I think they actually cut it from the compilation films, but it's been a while.
Thanks to Gundam Next plus I associate the Gundam hammer more with the Turn A than the RX-78-2. The RX can use the Gundam hammer while doing a combo melee but with the Turn A its the primary ranged weapon and you always deploy on the field holding them.