Forum › Posts by Blackkitty

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

Maybe you don't have to...? You can stop as soon as you feel comfortable ...or as soon as you lose interest ;)

... nah... I want to be consistent this time... just to see what it feel likes to be xD then you could call me skinnykitty

If nature would care to make any sense you'd be as white as the snow! ^^

So I would be a natural Snow White! ^_^ but then I should be careful with apples...

When we turn this place into a strip bar you can start working full time again! (´・ω・) b

... better not.. stripping would require not only a diet but some systematic work out... >_>

@ Neko

here's somthing for the classical lovers! a piece im study for Muisc as well haha

Thank you, Neko! My talented feline sister!^^

P.S. Btw since I am the kitty that has a thing for anniversaries, I would like to say " Happy 7th month to D. Cafe!" ^_^
Thank you Anon, and thank you everyone! You make it a great place where everyone is welcomed! :)
jeez... time really flies in a good company ^^

last edited at Jan 24, 2017 5:47PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

^^ Please continue with your diet. Mine might be a little tastier every now and then, but it's definitely not healthy. Sometimes I feel like crap ;)

I wonder if I will manage to keep the diet for long...

Oh, you're the purest little kinky kitten I've ever come across! d (^‿^✿)

me, pure?!!!... I'm a black... kitten xD

There are much nicer people around... like Neko chan or Blackkitty or you yourself!

But I haven't been around lately... neglecting my duties as a maid...
plus everyone here is nice in their own way, you are just some extra nicer since we are here because of your being a great host ^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

Can a body even function properly without any sugar...? (๑°o°๑)

Just proper honey sugar, and well, a bit of fatigue won't kill me... I hope....
But I feel lighter at least... ^_^

I wonder who gave you those sweets you couldn't say no to... (¬‿¬)

hmm... Let me be a good cat lady and keep my sweet secrets to myself ^^ ... if you are dying out of curiosity... well, I guess it's safe to call him Santa ;)

last edited at Jan 19, 2017 4:11PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

and there's people not caring about anything in the world and eating cake for breakfast and dinner oh well

This world is so unfair!!... and I haven't eaten almost anything sweet( except a few sweets I couldn't say 'no' ), and almost no bread for 4 months.. cry bitterly

joined Feb 3, 2015

Lol I came here to only make me blush... xD

Another innocent little heart shattered... T_T

No wonder I can't fall asleep tonight....

joined Feb 3, 2015

See you Neko good luck and have rest :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

Hi Neko how are you? Do you still feel innocent around here...

Lol I came here to only make me blush... xD
Kinkykitty hides away...

joined Feb 3, 2015

Lol, kitty domination! Purrrrfect! Meow ^_^

joined Feb 3, 2015

Galich ^_^ You little sista, you!
We missed you indeed, but for those who truly care there has never been a doubt you are alive and thriving! :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ hi Neko-chan, feline sista ^_^
No one is going to stab you, not before you make the world better place with your multiple talents!!

And I was wary of the people around while walking home today because .. you know black cat crossing your path on the Friday 13th.. no good dear...xD meow

last edited at Jan 13, 2017 4:44PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

ok, bought myself a lottery ticket! ^^
now only the time will show...

last edited at Jan 13, 2017 3:10PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Yeey, Friday the 13th... In a few hours I will go buy some lottery tickets and win the jackpot xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

Went to work..It seems that the manager bought a new car.. and is treating us to....Jonnie & Cola xD... It's going to be a funny night shift xD...

Bootie sounds.. nice^^ that's your gangsta nickname ;)

last edited at Jan 11, 2017 1:26PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

It really does look good on you! ^^
Well done! (^_^)b

Someone else deserves all the credit, really^^ I will make sure to thank them properly ;)

Who is that Bootie person? Do we have a new member?!
I guess I missed something again >_>

last edited at Jan 11, 2017 11:57AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

KinkyKitty! ^^ I see what you did there... I like! (◦’ںˉ◦)b

what I did... I guess I freshened up my furr a bit.. thank you, meow! ;)


poor you :( that's awful...
be more careful!!

joined Feb 3, 2015


It is you?? Oh I had the name wrong, but heeeeey!
how do you make people's names in bold?? is it like tagging? enlighten me

Sorry, they helped you out with your question..

Yes, it's me xD all of my might and glory xD..


Sorry to hear you caught a cold :(
But it's hard to avoid it in such a bad weather^^"
You need an extra dose of hot chocolate!!!

There you go, Choco! ^^

last edited at Jan 11, 2017 9:54AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Aww ahah thanks, drowning the sorrows in milk is always great heheh

Milk with honey yeey

Well I say Skype cos people live in the stone ages and they don't know Facebook message Now has video calls loooool, I also FaceTime her quite a lot, oh but if you know then yep :3 heh

Are whatsapp/Viber already outdated?

Oooohh I see! Bulgaria sounds really nice and somehow I'm getting a feeling it's Turky right? If I'm wrong I'm really sorry nyah!!! QAQ I've been to Bulgaria if it is Turky indeed, but now, it can't be Turky right? I mean it's always hot there? I think?

Fortunately, Bulgaria is no more part of Turkey
But it's been during the 5 centuries of slavery xD
We are neighbors so you were almost right^^
Not always, haven't you heard lately about the snow that had fallen over Sahara xD

I'm afraid I must leave you ladies^^
Enjoy your day/night

Katze, now you have less competition
Yeah,we know each other kind of xD


joined Feb 3, 2015

Aaawww stah staaah all you guys are too supportive what if I legit don't succeed XD well I have always got compassion as back up so I'll email you my album when I release it loooooool, with my autograph of course >w0 ahah

If don't succeed, we will support you again... We will go out to a bar to drown the disappointment in hot milk^^
But you should have a rich voice if you are able to cover different styles with ease^^

we Skype like everyday to talk about well, our day

Lol, you Skype a lot, girl xD I don't talk that much with my friends who live around me xD

Nnnhhhh I forgot sorry ;-; where were you from again? Somewhere pretty cold I suppose, ahah yeh, stay in your blanket and drink that hot milk...why does that sounds werid to me....I swear I'm pure!

I'm from Bulgaria - in southeast of the continent, nope, we aren't used to low tempretures
Especially me.. I'm always cold xD so yeah, hot milk^^

last edited at Jan 10, 2017 7:04PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Good to see you back here!!!

I'm glad to be here as well^^
But I can't say no to your summoning me, even though you have your eyes set on the enemy...

But now I feel really lonely all of a sudden... Are there no dog lovers around like... at all...? T_T

Choco & Alvis

I started watching the third season of Transparent^^
Just unbelievable they let the turtle roam the house like a OST for 30 years...

joined Feb 3, 2015

You little feline talanted sista^^
Good job! I knew it, you hard-working kitten, you!
When you become a star I want an autograph exquisitely for me!!!
Keep it up!

So you miss your friend :( my friend, the one I told you about, I hadn't seen her for that long... but being best friends means that whenever you get together it would be like it's been yesterday when you saw each other, nothing changes :) enjoy your skiing trip!

Is the laptop working right? xD

Yeah, it's been snowing all day long... And it's freezing outside.... I hate it, I can't go out xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

Don't tell me you did something naughty in my absence.. that naghty that would make the kinky part blush xD

I need to go back a few pages just to catch up on your adventures, young lady xD

Life has it's ups and downs, but as a true kitten I stay at home buried under covers while the snow piles up outside^^
I only need the hotcup of milk to make it perfect..

Welcome to Katze ^_^
Hope you will enjoy it in here, everyone is really nice starting from the tribal chief Anon

joined Feb 3, 2015


The circle of three is now complete ^_^

joined Feb 3, 2015

I burned myself while lighting a sparkler... >_>
My dexterity level is top-notch xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

Happy New Year! Let it be a better one! :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

Oh stop it you, your making meh blush =//w//=

Blushing people make me blush... stop it! xD and it's true, little talented kitten!

Well it may take me a while because I've never used a MacBook Air before but all my friends in collage (rich people collage XD) have one so ima learn from them

Lol.. well, you will have one more reason to spend more time with them^^
Kids these days..

Yep yep ;0;, missed you lots too xx ahah it's always so weird that your not on discord and I sometimes forget XD

Hah.. I'm weird xD but trust me, it's better that way, I have nothing interesting to say..

That sounds lovely! 0w0 hope you had a good time with them~

I always do! :) She actually invited me to visit her so that she could show me around London^^