She took the heat for you, then you get upset she told you to get back to work?
She was upset, but never at her. It's okay to feel emotions, man... It's okay to feel upset after getting scolded by your girlfriend/boss after you mess up. Feeling upset that you messed up keeps you from messing up in the future.
The figleafing here is kind of weird. Why go to all that trouble to hide nipples on some of them, awkwardly in the case of the fox, and then have a wide open view on others? What's Cool going for here?
It's good but I think there's so much NicoMaki content that everything's already been covered. I feel like I read something similar every page of this manga. Other pairings need love too!
Hey, could someone who has read the Ch 7 raws and actually understands enough Japanese to get the gist of it spoil the ending for me? I want to know whether our MC goes back to Tokyo with her dad or stays.