You do recognize that there's a dramatic difference between gays/lesbians/trans folks getting discriminated against by straight/cis folks than the reverse, yes? The effects and severity are heavily one-sided, as are their positions in society in the first place. Even more so for trans folks. So the idea of "it makes you no better" is ridiculous on the face of it because the situations aren't similar despite revolving around the same topic.
Let's not conflate harmful discrimination with a cry of frustration.
Hm. Perhaps I should elaborate? Hate is hate, no matter who it is directed towards. Did straights go through the same thing gays did? Are they presently facing hate-crimes? No, of course not. However, hating someone back, especially as a whole, doesn't make you the bigger person. For example, if I may, Though many races faced discrimination from whites throughout history, people associated with these discriminated groups should not treat whites, as a group, the way any other racists does. Racist is racist. Homo/Heterophobic is Homo/Heterophobic. I'm preeeeeetty sure the majority of people here don't "hate" straights, but I have seen a few comments in the past along the lines of it. And I'm not talking about the people that don't want to be mislead by the good old-fashion "Yuri tag but Het" I'm talking about people that outright say Het is gross. Even when there is a het tag. Repeatedly. Really? I think we all know who we're talking about... Being someone who has faced these kinds of things by both society and my own family, I try my best to not put people in the situation I've been through. Gay or straight. But Nez, I completely understand where you're coming from-- it's just something I personally try my best to avoid doing. Not saying you're Het-phobic or anything, of course. Again, might be a bit serious for this forum, I just wanted to clear that up, if I wasn't understood before. Sorry for the dissertation, Nez :).