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joined Mar 24, 2014

"It's like you're a couple."

If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's obviously a platypus.

Quote of the year.

Image Comments 07 Mar 07:40
joined Mar 24, 2014

I'm no good at puns, so I would just like to point out were Yang's hand is going.

joined Mar 24, 2014

These two need some steamy hate sex, yep, that'll do them good.

Liberty discussion 05 Mar 02:17
joined Mar 24, 2014

Gosh! can't wait for new cap
I am in love with this tomboy protagonist

Tomboys is best boys.

Liberty discussion 04 Mar 16:37
joined Mar 24, 2014

Oh, come on, have you read her earlier works? There's a fucking penis-shaped alien in one. Pretty much every NSFW thing she's done is horrible. And I mean, Girl Friends is great, Secret of the Princess is great, but The Secret Recipe's bland, so's Hana and Hina. She did some good stuff but most of her work is... meh.

That's just, like, your opinion, man!

Why bring Morinaga up in the first place? We're talking about Liberty here! Unless you want to start a fight, I see no reason to come here to diss one of my favourite authors.

And if it's a fight you want, I'll indulge you. Put up yer dukes! >:[

Fight! Fight! Fight! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

Image Comments 25 Feb 07:15
joined Mar 24, 2014

Absolutely Fabulous

Image Comments 10 Feb 00:42
joined Mar 24, 2014

At first I thought "Ahoge girl's back can't possibly bend like that" but then I tried lying down like that and it turns out I can actually bend my own back like that, so statement withdrawn.

Image Comments 10 Feb 00:37
joined Mar 24, 2014

Ladybug? How unusual.

New Game discussion 31 Jan 06:01
joined Mar 24, 2014
  • Game Designers: "You get to move in the water, but you can't attack as tradeoff. This is a brillian idea"

  • Players: "Oh, God! A fucking water level"

Unless the game's free roam and has stealth elements, in which case water being a place where you are completely hidden (fish don't notice you unless you do something REALLY suspicious, enemies out of water don't notice you at all) and can still move but are unable to attack seems to be a good trade off.
Of course we have no examples of how this "murder stuffed animals and wear their skins" game actually plays beyond that description so it all irrelevant in the end. For all we know they could be the best damned water levels ever, though I doubt that's saying much.

last edited at Jan 31, 2017 6:01AM

Their Story discussion 23 Jan 23:15
joined Mar 24, 2014

Speaking of which, no offense, but Chinese people are, on average, not very tall, so when it says that these dudes are crazy tall, how tall are we actually talking here? I have cousins who are 6 ft that were such a rare sight when they visited China that strangers would ask for pictures with them.

I don't think it's genetic, because kids of Chinese extraction in my city (of which there are tons cause this is Vancouver) are the same height as everyone else. Meanwhile, this school seems to be firmly in the "burgeoning new Chinese middle class" category, so probably most of the kids there grew up on a more Western style diet, with more calories, meat and so forth. So they're probably mostly Western-size, no doubt towering over both their elders and poorer kids, and when they get old will have Western rates of heart disease etc.

Height is tied mainly with nutrition at an early age, so having a western diet when growing up would tend to produce kids that have the same growth curve as typical western kids. In males, there's a little influence of testosterone, as I recall, being one of the signals that turns growth off toward the end of puberty.

Yeah, that's why Koreans are you usually taller than other East/South East Asians. Different diets.
Or at least South Koreans. North Koreans are usually shorter than most other ethnic groups in general, since they're all starving, cause Kim Jong-Un ate everyone else's food.

Also, holy shit Nezchan you changed your picture (though its still someone nom noming on bread so I guess its not that big a change)

last edited at Jan 23, 2017 11:15PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

If that's your definition of "casual", then every game is "casual" and thus the term loses all meaning. I understand that everyone seems to have a differing definition of what the term "casual gaming" actually means but defining it as "games you play for the sake of playing" is far too broad and too subjective.
The exact definition of the term may be fought over but it is generally agreed upon that to define a game as "casual", it requires a certain level of "pick up and play-ness", that is, the games require no long term commitment, for any reason,to be enjoyable. As such, none of the three games you initially listed (as well as Metal Gear) qualify, because all four require some form of commitment in order get anything out of them. You need to play games like Fallout and The Witcher for hours to get anything really good out them both story and gameplay wise and games such as Metal Gear have veritable Kudzu plots that require paying attention to every cutscene and dialogue piece and finding all the hidden collectibles for them to make any sense. As such, you cannot just "pick up and play" them as you must immerse yourself in them and really experience them or else you're missing out.
By comparison, games like Civilization, Call of Duty and Overwatch can played on and off without having to worry about breaking immersion, as they lack any strong story elements or world building and as such can be just be "picked up and played".

Ergo, your definition of "casual games" as "games played solely for the purpose of fun" is inaccurate; ALL games are played largely for purpose fun, its just what kind of fun you're looking for. Do you want something you can play whenever you have free time and which require little emotional commitment or do you want a game that is going to consume your entire week and make you cry by the end of it?

Overwatch and Call of Duty are not casual. They can be played casually, but they're competitive.

It is not true that every game would be casual. NEARLY every game would be casual by my definition. The whole point of the definition is that it encompasses just about every game except as I said, games like Starcraft and CSGO which is known to be a competitive game. Competitive and Casual.

Time commitment. Difficulty. Emotional investment. Who cares?

But when a game is competitive, it's no longer just about fun.

As we are getting off topic, I feel I should not continue this argument, however I feel the need to do so as you are grammatically incorrect. You are using these words, casual and competitive, as they are exclusively defined by you.

"Casual" means "careless" or "employed irregularly", as in it is without commitment. Therefore, you should care about time, difficulty and emotional investment when defining games as "casual" or not, as casual implies a lack of these attributes.

Furthermore, you are over simplify the gaming community by dividing it into two categories of game, this so-called "casual" definition you have created based on your misuse of that particular word and "competitive", a kind of game that doesn't even EXIST. Games are not inherently "competitive" by design. Some games may be played competitively but there is no such thing as a "competitive game" in sense of which you define, i.e. a game played for the purpose of beating other players at that game and winning awards rather than for fun. There is no game on the market designed exclusively for that kind of high level competitive play. All games played in competition (Starcraft, CoD, Street Fighter, Halo, Overwatch, et cetera) have significantly larger fan bases of gamers who have no interest in playing these games for any reason other than amusement ("fun") and burning time, thus these are casual games; they may be played competitively, but they are ultimately casual games as they are primarily played in a careless or irregular fashion, thus meeting the definition of casual. Even CS:GO, possibly the closest any game comes to a dedicated competitive game, has a significant casual player base. Competitive games do not exist, only competitive players.

Their Story discussion 10 Dec 20:00
joined Mar 24, 2014

That's subjective within ANY culture. This post was extremely informative and I commend you for that. However, if Sun Jing wasn't such a charming and attractive person by nature, Qiu Tong might not be quite as receptive to her friendship. In practice it looks like things are turning out well for the two, but I don't think it's unreasonable to interpret Sun Jing's actions as 'potentially' pushy and scary.

True, I was more addressing the issues with the translation, but yes, I agree that it isn't unreasonable for people to think of her actions as pushy. Thank God that Sun Jing is the charming person that she is ;)

Well thank you for addressing issue with the translation at any rate, it was a delightfully informative read.

Image Comments 06 Dec 16:48
joined Mar 24, 2014

All of these Blake x Yang pictures are fantastic but this one is especially good.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Casual Games (Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Fallout 4)

How the fuck are any of those "casual games"? Casual games are game like Wii Sports. Those a story driven RPGs.

I've seriously never heard even the most dedicated gatekeepers describe any of those as "casual games", even when they're defining "casual" as "stuff women like" or else trying to brag about them being so good that those games are nothing.

That's cuz I don't define casual that way. First "stuff women like" is super sexist. Casual has nothing to do with difficulty either because casual games can be really hard. Nintendo is a great example. When I say casual I mean games that are played casually (lol duh!) which is too play only for the sake of play. No bigger goal.

Sure games like CSGO have a casual mode but that is not what the core of the game is. At its core, it is a competitive game that people play with the aim to improve. It's a sport.

At the same time though, casual games can potentially be less casual. The most prominent example is speedrunning. Super Mario and Legend of Zelda is a casual game because the focus is on casual play. That does not stop people from building some other non casual scene around it.

Also I want to apologize for making the mistake of only putting in RPGs because a lot of the recent big titles were RPGs. I would include stuff like Metal Gear, Total War, Half Life, Portal, and Civilization too.

If that's your definition of "casual", then every game is "casual" and thus the term loses all meaning. I understand that everyone seems to have a differing definition of what the term "casual gaming" actually means but defining it as "games you play for the sake of playing" is far too broad and too subjective.
The exact definition of the term may be fought over but it is generally agreed upon that to define a game as "casual", it requires a certain level of "pick up and play-ness", that is, the games require no long term commitment, for any reason,to be enjoyable. As such, none of the three games you initially listed (as well as Metal Gear) qualify, because all four require some form of commitment in order get anything out of them. You need to play games like Fallout and The Witcher for hours to get anything really good out them both story and gameplay wise and games such as Metal Gear have veritable Kudzu plots that require paying attention to every cutscene and dialogue piece and finding all the hidden collectibles for them to make any sense. As such, you cannot just "pick up and play" them as you must immerse yourself in them and really experience them or else you're missing out.
By comparison, games like Civilization, Call of Duty and Overwatch can played on and off without having to worry about breaking immersion, as they lack any strong story elements or world building and as such can be just be "picked up and played".
As such, we can define "casual" games as being games that that do not require any real commitment of time or emotion, while "hardcore" games are defined as such because they require a commitment of both.
Ultimately, both groups are enjoyable, just in different ways to different people or possibly in different ways to the same people, as few gamers ever truly limit themselves to one category or the other, even if many of them do favor one category or the other
Ergo, your definition of "casual games" as "games played solely for the purpose of fun" is inaccurate; ALL games are played largely for purpose fun, its just what kind of fun you're looking for. Do you want something you can play whenever you have free time and which require little emotional commitment or do you want a game that is going to consume your entire week and make you cry by the end of it?

joined Mar 24, 2014

(Of course right now, world hunger isn't even caused by there not being enough food, it's caused by the world being arranged to benefit the rich rather than the hungry, but limits are being reached. For the moment, though--Oxfam calculated that the top forty-some richest people in the world, few enough to put them all in a bus, own half the world's wealth. So right now, you could probably end world hunger by blowing up that bus.)

How reading yuri radicalized me to commit communist terror: A biography

How could this happen to me? I've made my mistakes, got nowhere to run...

Image Comments 16 Nov 11:15
joined Mar 24, 2014

I respect whoever posted this, as well as musicman for his comment about arms.

Image Comments 12 Nov 08:11
joined Mar 24, 2014

The RWBY subreddit does polls of these sorta things, not just on r/RWBY but on other site with RWBY fandoms as well. Aggregated, the poles together indicate Bumblebee is currently the biggest ship in the fandom, up from its previous status as the second biggest ship, as the previous biggest ship Arkos was sunk/torpedoed at the end of season 3. In fact, "Teh Bees" have consistently been the biggest or second biggest ship (trading places with the aforementioned Arkos) since season 1.

last edited at Nov 12, 2016 8:16AM

Image Comments 08 Nov 06:05
joined Mar 24, 2014

I approve of any RWBY ships but I'm a little surprised we don't get more Bumblebee and instead get White Rose and Monochrome, especially since Bumblebee is the biggest ship in the FNDM now.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Casual Games (Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Fallout 4)

How the fuck are any of those "casual games"? Casual games are game like Wii Sports. Those a story driven RPGs.

Image Comments 23 Oct 16:34
joined Mar 24, 2014

Blake has mastered the ability to not give a fuck.

Image Comments 12 Oct 05:11
joined Mar 24, 2014

Thought this was Mai and Reo from Sono Hanibira for a second there.

Image Comments 11 Oct 07:08
joined Mar 24, 2014

I wouldn't call these girls "butch", just semi-realistically proportioned.
Alas you are unlikely to see very much artwork with realistic or semi-realistic female characters on Dynasty cause most Dynasty art is created by Japanese artists and if Japanese internet users are anything to go by the Japanese think any women who isn't a pencil thin and looks like a 14 year old is ugly.

New Game discussion 02 Oct 00:02
joined Mar 24, 2014

So Hifumi can be confident and aggressive but only when she's in character.

last edited at Oct 2, 2016 12:03AM

Image Comments 28 Sep 23:39
joined Mar 24, 2014

Is that Bumblebee, White Rose and Enabler all in one comic?

New Game discussion 04 Sep 23:33
joined Mar 24, 2014

New Game get it's mainstream spotlight in less savory way:

Oh, internet, don't you think Ukraine has better things to worry about?

last edited at Sep 4, 2016 11:34PM