Forum › Posts by Neko chan

joined Jan 19, 2014


This is my contribution to all the darlings's playlists today.

pretty dope song actually! @w@ ninininininininininin


Anyone know the best way to combat illness and boredom? |( ̄3 ̄)|

just whip out you tea in class XDD so your in highschool huh? or uni? OwO (if you dont mind my curiosity)

joined Jan 19, 2014


Yup! Cats are so adorable isn't they @__@? I can feel you on that xD In one session of rpg I made a character that could change into a cat and she basically preferred that form x3 And she acted like actual cat as well xD Even other players told me my impression of cat was totally convincing. I guess I can become one with the cats 8D

wow a roleplay game and you were a kitty? how adorable! @/w/@ im stupid for asking but is this like a legit game where you design charecters and move around with them or just a chat orrrr? i just litrally have no idea about anything sos heh Q/w/Q

I watched it until 7 episode or so. It was pretty funny though I couldn't shake the fear they will end it in het. Actually I have no clue why I stopped watching it. I have a thing like that sometimes where I watch/read something and then at random point my interest in it disappears or something. Idk, maybe I'll try picking it up again later.

ahaha it does have a cute ending i pretty sure so yeh, if you ever feel like it pick up watching it again! >wO and also i totelly get you! somtimes at firstt im like this looks really good but i get bored of stuff really quickly and just tend to drop it before finishing it! last time ive done that was with katanagtori for some reason O-o i will contnui it soon though hopfully!

last edited at Jan 17, 2017 2:54PM

joined Jan 19, 2014


I'm sorry about yesterday but also glad that you seem to be doing better today. Hope that you'll get good results in the end. Sometimes you do have a bad feeling but in the end it still turns out to be all right. I'll keep my fingers crossed! ✌(◕‿-)✌

I knoooowww its that gut feeling! its stress O-o I'm finally back home, had such a long day, after exam I had to come back to school to have singing and violin.
Viloin teacher was a bit annoying today ಠ_ಠ I dont know when he will relise that he doesn't need to grab the violin out of my hands every 5 seconds to demonstrate how great he is at playing violin, maybe let me just learn the notes instead \ᇂ_ᇂ\

I was just really stubborn all the time (^∇^) I was always like “nope, I can't be bothered with this right now. I wanna enjoy my time the way I like best, and not with some school crap.” ^^
Do you have a special technique when studying?

yeah I guess its more that, ahah you hit the nail. Its always like, Its fine I don't need much time on this because I don't really want to waste time doing it. I'd rather doing something fun or enjoyable I WANT. but i guess my special technique would just be drinking red-bull and doing it until the last second XD it works soooooo O3O ~

Ask your mom to come and pick you up. Or your niichan ;)

naaaahhh she's too busy, i only see her once a week QwQ nii-chan is asleep ahahahahah (its fine though i manged to take half the stuff ;3)


It is @__@ I'm so behind with pokemons xD I played only like first and second generation, anime maybe went a bit over it. But anything from 3 and after is mystery to me x3

fair enough ;o i havent actually played any of them but i just used to like watching pokemon ahah XD im not really into any games at all so i sometimes envy i cant join in on gaming convo, but then again with my time table i dont really have time to sit down and play a proper game ;w;

I don't drink coffee so I never use Starbucks and all those kinds of coffees are dark magic to me x3

wwwwhhaaaatt?! no coffee? XD i would die i need it like air, not even kidding, i experimented going without coffee for a week and the results were apualling ahahaha
ah but honestly its good that its dark magic to you! caffine is one hell of an addictive betch OwO and people take it in in many forms like redbull cough Aono cough. but yeh if you survive days without coffee thats gooooood >w<

last edited at Jan 17, 2017 3:17PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

hhhnnn I can't keep up Q/u/Q
well anyhow!

just ask Utopia.

LOOOL, i'm sure Glich would piss him off XD!
i'm gonna misspell peoples names on purpose now! >;3 he-he-heeeee!


That... creature(?) is so cute, I want to pat it right now!

its a pokemon im pretty sure ;3 and yaaaaaaas, its so so cuttttee @w@! btw have you noticed that thats a Starbucks matcha flavoured frappi his sitting on, fun fact, they only do those in japan, and i had one, and they are sooooooooo good! (╯✧▽✧)╯

I have to say this song definitely puts you in the mood to pet some pussy ;P

like so? (o´ω`o) at times like this i get jelouse i'm not a real kitty then! >//H//<

But let's see, I think this one works well enough.

i really liked that anime! ahah this ending is also in my playlist pretty much ~ =w+


a little curious, have you seen my other videos? XDD because i might proceed to stalk your likes just because you have dope tastes! @-@/ but by all means if you don't want me to please tell meh! Q//w//Q also your welcome to stalk mine XD (but you probably shouldn't cos im not worth the time ;w; heh)


And here's a song for the night:

Thanks for this one! its actully really dope so added to my playlist >wO ahaha the video is tripy and cool too +A+

wellp, i just came back from my second exam today, i felt it went much better then yesterday! OwO ah but, i can imagine our teacher going tomorrow like " so how well do you think you guys did" and we are just there sitting like shit XDD. but well, we dont know the results yet so who knows ;0. Even though school was cancled today becuase of exams the music lessons are still on so i have to come back to school in an hour and go have my singing and violin lesson but like, hhhhhnnnnnnnnnn give me a break i had an exam today! =~= (im still probably gonna go)

also i have SOO much artwork to pick up from school (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ i did art for gcse but i dont do it anymore so we are required to pick up all our caveses and stuff, its such a pian, some of them are the size of me!! so huugeee, how am i gonna get on the train with it, maybe i should just burn them or let them dispose of it themselves ahahah XD ( though my grandma would probably be upset because i got the highest mark loololol)

also here a dope song i really like right now, listen to it while drawing =w=

last edited at Jan 17, 2017 8:06AM

joined Jan 19, 2014

I don't know if always but the times I've talked to people, like really talk, it has been good yes Ma'am!

well thats good! 0w0/ i like talking here for sure....and lurking ≖‿≖

Hmmm but .. I eat no fish and I'm a cat like person too!!!

yes indeed you are the cat of the night my dear

Not stalking xD it's just the group of people who work with Citrus :P I guess cats and lesbians and yuri just happens naturally xD

heheh i suppose so ;3 never really got why its lesbians and cats and then all these gay vlogers have dogs, i mean, have what ever you want! XD i want a lizard when i was 13 loooooooool.

Dominatrix cats ponders too much about that

thats basically any other cay but not me Q//w//Q im a kitten for now >0<

last edited at Jan 16, 2017 3:51PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

Hahaha sorry, somehow the conversations keep on getting longer..meow, I think it's the full moon, also hello!!!

nah its fine XD its always intersting to meet knew people here after all (っ˘ω˘ς )

eating to cheer yourself eh ;) have a slice of cake then cos it's sweet :P

im a cat remember, cake would make me sick! >w< though i wouldnt mind some fish, maybe salmon? (★ω★)/

I'm sure you'll kill those exams, go go Neko!!! btw I think I saw you on the Facebook on a Citrus fanpage? no, it's a group, if not it's someone with that name , Neko chan.

anana you stalking me on facebook now, nuaghty! ;3 ahaha jk, well i guess some other cat in this world likes citrus hehe, i don't follow them on fb im pretty sure ;0 in fact i dont follow pretty much any yuri pages on fb QwQ im a basement yuri lover ahahah so no one must ever knoooowwww ninja @w@


That sure escalated quickly.

it sure did ;3 i imagined it to be the domanatrix cats in this forum XD maybe me one day , dreams @A@/

last edited at Jan 16, 2017 3:33PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

oh my, all the wall posts ;3
heres my daily song for all the kitty cats, or not

ive eating chicken today @w@ after i came back from the exam i was a bit pissed Galich might know so i jus ate to cheer myself up XD ah but tomorrow is the second exam, i feel like im gonna fail em both because of the time limit 。゚(TヮT)゚。

last edited at Jan 16, 2017 3:22PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

SF, and also, i saw your likes on thr side there too haha

Uh Oh ! My channel has been discovered ! Oh well, At least I didn't upload any video's though :P. But you did.....So tell me Neko.....Is this you in real life ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anon i can leave the forces are pulling me back, and people ask why i procrsinate, n..not that you guys are at fault or anything ! Q//A//Q also akwwwwwaaaaarrrdddd XD, yeh that is me from like uh, 3/4 years ago 0//0//0 i was a lil potato back then ahahah XD

ok NOW i go

last edited at Jan 15, 2017 8:16PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

Hi Neko how are you? Do you still feel innocent around here...

Lol I came here to only make me blush... xD
Kinkykitty hides away...

ooooh im happy i saw this before i left! QAQ im doing uh, the test thing XD so yeh stress is on, and also, i feel pure from ll the cat videos i watched ahahahah

so i have to go study or i might die tomorrow O.0 so cya for now kitty~ ;3

last edited at Jan 15, 2017 8:09PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

I'm sure it can. Your carefree youth really ends with high school. If you're aiming for a career then you really need to get your shit together and work hard from there on out. It's tough. Especially during a time where most teens only start trying to figure out what it really is they wanna do... But mostly you don't really have the time to pause and think...

yeaaah its true, i heard from my upper classmen how hard the skip from high school to collage was but i never really gave it any thought until it actually happened, like, BOOm XD

I hope your family backed you up during that time and was there for you!

yea my mum is my angel, she really helped me get through the tough times <3

See? That right there ◔̯◔That's why I call you ambitious all the time! ^^ You're a fighter, little cutie! I admire that. Really.

ppphhhh XD hehe well, t...thanks Q/w/Q ~ but its true, as an actor you can never sulk about auditions and stuff, people get rejected so many times before they actually find " the one" job or collage, its all part of the process, i just hope i can except that more gracefully without crying into my pillow when im older XD i do get upset easily after ;w;

^^ You should just be yourself :)
You don't need to play any roles while hanging out with your crazy online buddies, right ;)

eeeyyyyyy, so i can call you guys internet buds! thats niceeee =//w//=

Don't worry! That's not dumb! That's the only way to do this! Never knew any other! ;)
Gosh, I sooo was the same all the time. No kidding. Even during the final exams. One night before was when I started to study ^^ And it worked! (^∇^) So you can do it too! (•̀ᴗ•́)൬༉
Good luck on your exam!

omg your litrally like me @-@/ like i dont know what it is but im always like "its fine i have time" when really i dont and its the night before the test XD

(ʃƪˆ▿ˆ) Exactly! We could stare at the wall together! ^^

yeeeeeeey, the best kinda cat owner thing to do ;3

Bad girl... and now get to it! ;)

And on that note i go study! Q/A/Q i...really should have gone earlir but Anon gave the wake up call XD cya~

joined Jan 19, 2014

eeeeyyyy, i dont have a cat so thats how i imagine being Anons pet would be like XDD , aslo...when you watch cat videos instead of studying for a test, god i need to do it Q//-//Q why am i such a procrasinator, also hi kitty!

also SF omg its lizz! i feel like you litrally know the same stuff i do XD ahahaha, but also yeh, this song is saaadd QAQ
also question, did you seem my likes when i posed the Stormea french song SF, and also, i saw your likes on thr side there too haha

last edited at Jan 15, 2017 7:47PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

^gosh thats ones really nice too! ^w^ your gonna overflow my playlists today haha ;3

also, lately i have a weird obsession with Stromae O.0 i've been listening to a lot of his stuff lately ahahha

joined Jan 19, 2014

Since we have so many kitties in kitty dynasty café, here's my contribution to the playlists. *waltz off*

Im laughing so hard at this XDDDDDD LMFAOOOOO omg how lew- i mean shes just talking about cats, r....right? ((((゜д゜;))))

joined Jan 19, 2014

aaaaand that song is going into my liked video's. It's so chill ❤️
Here's another song from me ;)

Thank you! ahah i have a feeling i will always add the songs you post to my playlists XD ~ this ones really chill too, listening to it while studying now hehe xx.
i have a feeling we've got a little bit of a simular taste in music perhaps O/w/O ~<3

last edited at Jan 15, 2017 6:29PM

joined Jan 19, 2014


Also, Have a random song just cuz

why do you post such sick songs, like legit, every song you posted here i liked or added to my playlist! @w@

SHTAP IT, Your making me blush. I glad you like em as much as I do <3.

its true! >wO now i almost feel guilty for not coming up with better suggestions XD

but anyways heres my daily song

joined Jan 19, 2014


Also, Have a random song just cuz

why do you post such sick songs, like legit, every song you posted here i liked or added to my playlist! @w@ so uhh, cough feel free to post more cough songs here, or what ever...O3O..

also hi everyone! YAAASS Galich is back in the cafe too, thats goooooddd =w=

guess, what, i have mock exams tomorrow! gets out the redbull so lets goooooooooo (Q//w//Q)/ last minuet as always, i cant belive im actually this dumb and leave a TEST until the night before....but know me ;w;


That's the kind of thing I wouldn't be able to handle well... that undercurrent of battle between the actors... I'm just not the competing type... Everyone knows how it works. When there's one role to cast only one actor can get it. And of course they will take the best. And if you and some friends audition for that same role.... that must be really tough... If they choose you, then it's good for your career but you might lose some friends because of that... and if they don't and your friends are always the chosen ones... that will make you feel really bad as well... Gotta be able to handle all that shit.
Part of that applies to some other jobs with a promotion system as well, but it's a lot more extreme for actors...

Thats the most perfect description of what my life has been for the past few years O-o last year was very stressful for me cos it was the year where i was going into collage so i auditioned to many drama schools, i got expected to some but without a scholarship, and my mum can't pay for overly expensive collages, i remember there was one collage which looked like a castle that i auditioned for like twice and even on the recall i didn't get in, and i just remember crying a lot during these periods of auditions, it can really damage your nerves. But i also remember just, crying, but then getting back up, giving myself a slap and just trying for different places, until finally i got my dream collage! ;3 oh gosh sorry i should so depressed i should be a happy kitty QwQ

last edited at Jan 15, 2017 6:14PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

Right senpais, I shall be leaving you now to got to sleep, ttyt everyone, good night~ u//w//u

joined Jan 19, 2014

Well... no place on earth is 100 % safe. So stuff like that happens... but as long as they haven't caught the attacker, please take care and try not to go there on your own. Be safe!

Yep I will, no more walking around night time for me, eeessh huh O-O

I hope the man that was attacked will pull through

Me too, I send my prayers to him

salty becuase they should use the cafe at least a little QwQ..I...I mean Anon is here, I need Anon....Anooooon >w<

O_O I'm not sure if I can keep my promise to not cuddle you to death any longer! ;)

remebers video, runs nyyyaaah Q//0//Q , counter attack, I don't think I can't do the same! >H< heh!

(゚Д゚) Please don't make friends with the stabbing kind... O_O

Ahah ahahah that made me laugh for some reason XD am I a bad person Q-Q

I'm sure that'll come with time. The more experiences you make in life the easier it will get for you to improvise.

Yep, I hope to gain a lot of experience acting wise and be able to really be out there with my ideas, I mean there is always an undercurrent of battle between actors, and like who's idea to follow, and who's better, you know all that stuff aha.

which makes me happy that my husbando has friend! O//3//O

Congratulations on your marriage! (◦’ںˉ◦) That was quite fast! Shotgun wedding, I suppose ;)

I shotguned him long before anyone, so he better not be taken by some hoe! D:< trying to be gangsta

joined Jan 19, 2014

Nononononnon push phs pshhhhhhhh ^ no....noh u-u do you know how many times rebull has saved my ass from handing in and Essey at the right time XD Anon knows ahahahaha

last edited at Jan 14, 2017 5:03PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

^ We totally should, or else it's gonna be a whole page of writing soon LMFAO >u< ahahah

Ps.soon I will have to draw another profile cos I'm dying my hair tomorrow QwQ not even sure with colour yet lol, friends are saying go lighter but I wanna be bold and go darker! @w@ thought maybe I should start with a blonde and then move dark I guess heh

last edited at Jan 14, 2017 4:40PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

I was replying from my phone and it's gone.. I can't do this :(

Did it all like delet all the replys you were typing? XD cos that happened to me once or twice, it was so annoying Q-Q

joined Jan 19, 2014

I buried them all under my avalanche of wall posts, I'm sure T_T
They are afraid to say something ;)

Scaredy cats >H< heh, lol it's somtimes really lively here so I'm not complains :3 ~

joined Jan 19, 2014

Well, i do not have straight friends actually..there is one girl I used to go to high school with...but we don't hang out much so yeah everyone I know is a lesbian, oh and the odd 2 gay guys,lol. I do not diss str8 people! we just never meet for some reason, must be my bitching rest face syndrom.

Ahaha I'm the opposite sometimes, people be like "why you smiling for" ahaha! And also wow, no straight friends? 0A0 well that's fine, as long as your happy with your friend group it's all good right >w0 I have all types of Friends except for lesbians actually xDDD I never even thought about it lol. Like I have a gay guy friend and one of my friends is Bi, but I guess people don't usually come out In collage? :/ or like, ballet dancers and actors are streight a lot of the time. Ahah I don't really know tbh. :3

15-16 and drinking? That's Russia power for ya, I started at... 18? lol hahaha but I limit myself to craft beer now and wine on new years is all fancy

Yep yep XD downing that vodka since I was a toddler! No but really I guess it's a Russian thing O-o and also, I usually go strait for vodka mixed with something when I'm at parties but at gatherings we do like beer and a couple of shots I guess, gosh I'm just a rebel XD lol ahahaha jk. Though lately I'm trying to not drink beer nor well, eat junky stuff cos I'm back in the system so I gotta keep it up u/w/u I have fitness classes on Wednesday and yoga on Thursday I guess :3

random Spanish guy, atta girl, you have kitty fire on you!!

XD it's a true story actually, lol I remember I was at one of my friends birthday house parties, and I bought like a one litre bottle of Smirnoff vodka ahaha. And I got drunk pretty quickly ovbs and I'm pretty sure I made out with like 4 guys in that one night O/-/O and a girl apparently, which I'm doubting but if I did...eeeeeeyyy ;D ahah. And one of guys was this Spanish lad who was like 19 and he got my number and I just vaguely remember him pulling me into the bathroom and locking to door. We like made out for a bit and then he started go-.......I'm gonna stop I'm getting emmbered >//H//< but yeah he text me after XD

Yes, well i'm new so of course I'm excited and checking forum constantly, if none of you talked to me I'd be quiet lol

Ahah of course >wO lurk away, just like me lol