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Anime season 13 Dec 11:57
joined Jan 7, 2014

I've seen people label that as the lesbian To-Love RU

Anime season 11 Dec 17:58
joined Jan 7, 2014

I'm just really sad and not wanting Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou to end.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I want more of those tummies and vagina bones. I want more of that sick fuck smirk.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Can someone translate T-T from Vietnamese ? bcoz these people work on the live action

My bro friend knows it, that lucky motherfucker. J-Jokes on her, tho! a bunch of yuri stuff has Spanish/Portuguese subs.

Just not this. Damn it.

joined Jan 7, 2014

If it ends on the same note the live action did, then sadly this progress won't really amount to much, in my personal view.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I believe part of its fault comes from Touko's relatives and people who knew the perfect version of her sister and as such expected that, in a way, she should act similar since they're siblings. It is shown that, when they're mourning her, they're spouting "live for her sake", "you have to live for your sister" and it's clear that Touko took that the wrong, literal way + survivor's guilt and a possible blame feeling for not having been the one going out. Sure enough, they realize what she's doing later on but didn't know what they've put her through back then.

Image Comments 04 Dec 13:52
joined Jan 7, 2014

Oh, no, Nakatani has way lewder stuff~

joined Jan 7, 2014

Happy holyt shit I went to bed at 6 to wake up at 7 and merry new please let me pass my exams

joined Jan 7, 2014

Granted that they can handle the potential backlash from their families

Except from Rei-chan and her boyfriend, of course. Seriously, she's so cool and straightforward, just like imouto-san. She's lowkey shipping it, too.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I am looking forward to this. And I adore the art style, it's right up my alley. Just because she's a delinquent it doesn't mean she's automatically a bully, and just because MC is a smart pants, it doesn't mean she's instantly not a bully. I like that sweet antithesis~

joined Jan 7, 2014

Still great. Still mad over Tamamusi's profile design changes.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I keep being amazed at how the author manages to use the character's exaggerated manga features to portray extremely subtle and realistic emotions. On the top-left panel here, for instance, each of Yuu's eyeballs is individually larger than her entire mouth cavity, yet you barely even register it because the combination of the head tilt, eyebrow positioning, and, most importantly, the single curved line depicting her mouth convey the irritated but subdued frustration so powerfully.

I notice and admire this, too. I love Nakatani's way of portraying emotions through facial expressions on her already beautiful art style. Definitely my favorite character design too, because despite looking simple and practical, each person has different particular features and can easily by identified and differentiated without much effort. And well, in general, I just personally really love the style to begin with. Especially the eyes, hair strings and hands. Nakatani hands are the best, the way she places them while the action happens is always so nice.

last edited at Oct 31, 2017 8:53AM

joined Jan 7, 2014

Well, given the rather uneventful (but in my opinion, not particularly bad) chapter, it ended up culminating into me re-reading this for the 4th time, leading me to find Akari in the earlier chapters saying she didn't feel down because he turned her down, but would feel sad if he already had a girlfriend instead. Interestingly enough, it was foreshadowing.

I will feel disappointed if there isn't a major conflict beginning in the next chapter focused on Yuu x Touko, nonetheless.

I have to study, please ban me

joined Jan 7, 2014

I am absolutely eager to read the next chapter. I wonder if it will be a slow paced development or a major conflict beginning.

Citrus discussion 25 Oct 07:23
joined Jan 7, 2014

Even then, demeaning the guy for him to consider this art to be one of the best is uncalled for. It's by far the most subjective comment they made. For one there's no such thing as "one of the best", people can only mean "one of the best i've seen", how are you to even comment on that not to mention art itself is entirely subjective opinion. Who are you to tell someone that what they perceive as good isn't? People can find accidental paint splatters amazing.

All'n'all that was unwarranted, and this blurb was excessie

Had he opened up his excuse of a response with anything but loose comparisons and less of a butthurt toned offended victimized tantrum, when I clearly stated I wasn't preventing anyone from liking anything but was instead rather curious on the opposite take of my personal opinion/taste, maybe my hostility wouldn't have been called for.

And really, after that explosion of verbal diharrea from them, did you really expect me to take that subjective yet-not-put-very-subjectively statement seriously? I thought it was hilarious, so I made sure to include my giggles on it. I never claimed people can't like things, even if in my book they're bad. Quality discourse and reading comprehension were never the spotlight in Citrus discussions, I guess.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I adore Nekomura, so much. Everything from this person's hands is passionate and intense.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Unless the author somehow makes Sayaka win

Oh wait you were serious

joined Jan 7, 2014

If possible, please do support the series in any way you can afford to. I don't want to die without an adaptation of this. ;_;

joined Jan 7, 2014

Anyone else think the "where can I go?" while standing next to empty train tracks is symbolic?

The first time I read it I seriously thought the worst could happen. It's so painful.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I can see the date next chapter. I can see it. I can also see myself crying if Yuu can't hold herself anymore by the end of it and shit goes down.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I am discovering the wonders of Tamamusi and enjoying them very much.

Image Comments 22 Jun 10:44
joined Jan 7, 2014

I am actually, legitimately, trying not to tear up.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I am putting Arisa in the "to protect and cherish" box, thank you.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Oh my god. I found my new favorite Mokou x Keine doujin. That was intense, romantic, soft, tender, amazing. My god, so much love poured into this. 10/10

joined Jan 7, 2014

I wish I cared about DC and Marvel, or any American superhero franchise at all. I see stuff about it so often that I wish I could engage in the topic too at times. Just not for me though, sadly.